Rendered movies

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pete, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. Pete

    Pete Guest

    We are looking to create some sort of rendered movie file such as eDrawings
    from Solid Works. I have found some things such as Productview express but
    you would have to send customers ProE files. (=bad)

    There is an option to save ProE files as a WWW format. WHen this option is
    selected, a folder is created with a bunch of usaeless .html files, a vrml
    folder with .wrl files and a jpg folder with shaded views.

    Anybody know what program may use this WWW format, or how to create rendered
    Pete, Sep 26, 2003
  2. Pete

    MD Guest

    I'm not familiar with the "WWW" format but, I know of a great tool to create
    photo-rendered movies in various standard movie file formats. It's called;
    IPA . I use it to generate rendered animations
    that we've incorporated into MS PowerPoint presentations, internal web pages
    & etc. The product is compatible with various 3D solid design tools
    including Solid Works but, I've only used it with ProE models. Note: from
    the output you described with the "WWW" data, it appears that you need some
    sort of VMRL viewer internet browser plug-in (such as Cosmo or Java3D) to
    view the animation.
    MD, Sep 27, 2003
  3. VRML is not an animation - it is real interactive 3D...
    (you´d better get yourself a cosmo or cortona plugin).
    Unfortunately it needs bandwidth - no chance for dialup.

    Walther Mathieu, Sep 28, 2003
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