Renaming parts in an assembly?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lipkink, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. lipkink

    lipkink Guest


    I made a 95 part assembly by taking 1 part with 95 solid bodies and
    saving it as an assembly.

    My problem is that everything is named "ImportedXX", where XX is 1 to
    95. I need to rename all of these parts. The files themselves are
    also named ImportedXX.sldprt.

    When I right click a part in the feature manager, and then select
    Component Properties, there is a field called "Component Name", which
    displays ImportedXX. I can rename the component, say "8-32 screw",
    click ok, and then the component gets renamed in the feature manager

    Now, I save my assembly, close it, reopen it, and "8-32 screw" is back
    to "ImportedXX" (boo).

    Any way around this, other than the time intensive process of making a
    chart of which XX matches up to what name, making copies of all the
    files, renaming all the files, and then replacing component 95 times?


    lipkink, Aug 6, 2007
  2. lipkink

    Bo Guest

    You can use SolidWorks Explorer to call up the final assembly .sldasm
    (with that file closed in SWks), and change part names in the list in
    SWks Explorer.

    Bo, Aug 6, 2007
  3. With the assembly open, open a part up in another window by right clicking
    on a part in the feature tree or the graphics window and selecting "open
    part". Save the part with the name you want. Close the part. Repeat process
    94 times. You'll probably run out of memory and have to reboot a few times
    during the process.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 6, 2007
  4. lipkink

    wc Guest

    SWExplorer will do it and maintain the relationships between parts (if
    necessary), but I find it somewhat tedious.

    CKrename is another way, save the upper assembly to the name you want,
    hen use CKrename to change all the part names at once. The downside to
    this is you have to tell SWX where every part is when you open the top
    assembly, it'll ask for each file when it can't find the old filename.
    The other downside is it'll loose any 'in context' relations.

    Neither is way is what I'd consider 'ideal', one that would rename all
    the associated files at once *and* save any relations.

    wc, Aug 7, 2007
  5. lipkink

    Bo Guest

    wc, If you use SWks Explorer, open an assembly and Edit/Copy Document,
    click "Copy Children", you can go part by part and rename into a new
    folder if you want (or leave the names the same).

    The thing I would like is if an option were made to automatically save
    the assembly and children with a new suffix so the Machine.sldasm
    became something I want like MachineV2.sldasm, and likewise had all
    the children with the same "V2" suffix. This would save an incredible
    amount of time when doing preliminary designs where many iterations
    are tried before the final choice of the most acceptable concept is
    arrived at.

    Bo, Aug 7, 2007
  6. lipkink

    Bo Guest

    I am embarrassed to say, I failed to look hard and see that the option
    for me to put my own suffix is indeed already in the SWks Explorer
    dialog box.

    That's what happens when I get in a groove and just go forward as
    usual without opening my eyes wider.

    Bo, Aug 7, 2007
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