Renaming Assembly Components

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Art Woodbury, Oct 9, 2003.

  1. Art Woodbury

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I'm renaming/renumbering most parts in an assembly in preparation for
    sending it to vendors. I've used SW Explorer to rename the part files and
    haven't had any problems with lost relations. But I can't find a way to make
    the new component description (which is the new part file name) overwrite
    the old component name (which is what I prefer to show in the feature tree).
    I can RMB to get component properties and manually copy and paste the
    description field into the name field, but this is a huge waste of time.

    Does anyone have a macro they'd share that would automate this task?

    Going Ctrl-C Ctrl-V crazy,

    Art Woodbury
    Art Woodbury, Oct 9, 2003
  2. Art Woodbury

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Found the problem. My system options had changed for some unknown reason.
    Under External References there is a box to "Update component names when
    documents are replaced". I've always had that box checked, and forgot it

    Now if I could find why that setting changed .........

    Sorry for the false alarm.

    Art Woodbury, Oct 9, 2003
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