Rename configs on the fly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. I know that you can't change the name of a config in a part that is open in
    an assy, but why not? Sw tells you that you can't rename it because it is
    in use. But it is also smart enough that if you rename the part config
    without the assy open, then when you open the assy, it will find the correct
    config. Sooooo, why can't those features be combined into a useful
    opportunity? (Before I ran my mouth here, I just checked with SW2006 SP2.0
    to make sure it still wouldn't - nope.)

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2005
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    SteveT Guest

    I totally agree -- think about it you can have an assembly open, its
    drawing open, & a part open -- A user can do a file save as on the part &
    the assembly dynamically points to the new saveas'ed part (no save as
    copy) -- you do the same with the assembly & drawing automatically &
    dynamically changes to the new filename. This SHOULD be capable with
    configs too!

    Steve T.
    SteveT, Dec 1, 2005
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    POH Guest


    I agree with your desire and hope the program will eventually automate
    it. (Strides are being made in that direction, for example, since it
    used to be that one part could not be used to replace another in an
    open assembly if the replacement part was also open in the same session
    of SolidWorks.)

    There is, however, a workaround for the time being:

    1. Open the Assembly and the Component Properties dialog box for the
    configured part. (Note: I think it's beneficial to use the "Suspend
    Automatic Rebuild" option which is available from the pull-down menu of
    the main icon in the Feature Manager.)

    2. Set the Referenced Configuration to "Use named configuration" and
    then select a configuration other than the one you want to rename.

    3. Open the part file and make sure the active configuration is other
    than the one to be renamed.

    4. Rename the desired inactive configuration and then return to the
    assembly where the NEW name will be found when the Component Properties
    dialog box is re-opened.

    Obviously, you'll need to decide if the steps above are more expedient
    than simply closing the assembly, renaming the configuration in the
    part file and then calling up the referencing assembly...

    BTW, SolidWorks Explorer can NOT rename a part configuration if the
    referencing assembly is open in SolidWorks.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Dec 1, 2005
  4. Agreed, however sometimes SW still doesn't want to relinquish its hold on a
    part, even though you close the assy. Also, if the assy has 10 configs, you
    have to make sure that none of the other configs reference that part config.

    What I normally do is open that config in the part file, add a new config of
    the desired name, go to the assy and change all appropriate references to
    the new name config, go back to the part file and delete the old one. Same
    basic procedure, just a bit different.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2005
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Jean Marc Guest

    + 1, and the same for Dwgs.

    Jean Marc, Dec 8, 2005
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