remove blanks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by john m, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. john m

    john m Guest


    I'm sure someone must have a little routine for removing blanks from the
    drawing name.

    I have some software that uses the drawing name in a DOS Batch file

    Which chokes if there is blanks

    Its been a while since i did any lisping

    here is my attempt

    (defun dn ()
    (setq dn (getvar "dwgname") dnl (strlen dn) x dnl )
    (while (> 0 x)

    (if (= (substr dn x) " ")
    (setq a (substr dn 1 (- x 1)))
    (setq b (substr dn (+1 x) (strlen dnl)))
    (setq dn (strcat a "_" b))
    (setq x (- x 1))
    (princ dn)

    any suggestions appreciated. obviously the above doesnt work

    thanks in advance

    john m, Jun 17, 2004
  2. Tony Tanzillo, Jun 17, 2004
  3. john m

    ECCAD Guest

    I suggest you get a utility to 'rename' the .dwg's.
    Check out:
    I use it and it's great.

    ECCAD, Jun 17, 2004
  4. john m Guest


    try this one. I didnt test it but i hope its not to fare away.
    Another posipility is not to remove the blanks but to enclose the whole dwgname with parantheses. This works normally in DOS batches.

    (defun rem_blank ( / dn x dnl dn_new)
    (setq dn (getvar "dwgname") dnl (strlen dn) x 0)
    (setq dn_new nil)
    (while (< x dnl)
    (if (= (substr dn x 1) " ")
    (setq dn_new (strcat dn_new "_"))
    (setq dn_new (strcat dn_new (substr dn x 1)))
    (setq x (1+ x))
, Jun 17, 2004
  5. john m

    ECCAD Guest

    Pardon me for asking, but what's the point - trying to use Lisp to 'modify' the drawing name ? You cannot use the resultant as a 'new' drawing name - to open ? Therefore, the only thing it would be useful for is to open the drawing, make up a 'new' name, and follow up with a saveas ?
    Unless I am missing something..

    ECCAD, Jun 17, 2004
  6. john m

    andywatson Guest

    Command: (setq no_spaces "take these spaces away")
    "take these spaces away"

    Command: (while (vl-string-search " " no_spaces) (setq no_spaces
    (vl-string-subst "_" " " no_spaces)))
    andywatson, Jun 17, 2004
  7. john m

    john m Guest

    that is awesome
    thanks everyone
    bob the batch program copies plot files to a particular plot cue and needs
    to either rename the plot files or put quotes, etc
    all good suggestions i should have thought of

    been a long time since i did much with bat files either

    thanks again
    john m, Jun 17, 2004
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