Remote access

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dbruneel, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. dbruneel

    dbruneel Guest

    A client of us would like to remote access his office from home, he wants to be able to use AutoCAD from time to time.

    Is a remote control tool like VNC or PCAnywhere work or should I advise him to get Terminal services or Citrix? This client has DSL at home.

    Thanks in Advance
    dbruneel, Apr 22, 2004
  2. dbruneel

    patrick_aps Guest

    2 possibilities:
    -> Licence borrowing (very handy for portable computers)
    When you are in the office, you say you want to borrow a licence (for max 30 day i believe). Then you can disconnect and use the license on the portable.
    -> VPN: create a VPN tunnel so that the remote office is really part of the office network and use the normal network license.

    If i'm correct using any form of Terminal Server or Citrix is a violation of the License agreement. (because it is technically possible that you then only need 1 license per server, all connected clients use the same license as if you were starting several instances of AutoCAD on 1 computer)
    patrick_aps, Apr 22, 2004
  3. Citrix could be used if you contact your reseller.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

    30 day i believe). Then you can disconnect and use the license on the
    the office network and use the normal network license.
    of the License agreement. (because it is technically possible that you then
    only need 1 license per server, all connected clients use the same license
    as if you were starting several instances of AutoCAD on 1 computer)
    Jimmy Bergmark, Apr 22, 2004
  4. dbruneel

    KurtJohnson Guest

    We have a user that has XP on both his home and office computers with a 256K DSL connect at home. He VPN's into our office from his computer, and then uses XP's Remote Desktop to work on his office computer.

    That should not be a license violation, because Remote Desktop only allows a single user to be functioning - either local or remote.

    He telecommutes like this one day a week, and reports that although he experiences slight delays on mouse functions, he tends to do a lot of keyboard commands anyway.
    KurtJohnson, May 5, 2004
  5. dbruneel

    chetz Guest

    I have been telecommuting for almost 2 years. VPN through DSL (at first) now through cable modem.

    I could not use Acad through the VPN with any efficiency. I have ACAD installed on both work and home computer and use the software in line with EULA which allows this.

    There are, however, caveats that I deal with: I am actually using Land Desktop, and I copy the project to my local drive and work on it, then upload back to the office server. It can be a little tricky and you have to be aware of the pitfalls, especially dealing with the point database, not to mention alignments, terrains, etc. but it works fine for me.

    Working over a VPN = too slow for me.
    chetz, May 14, 2004
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