relocating the origin of a part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by swjf, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. swjf

    swjf Guest

    is it possible to move the origin of a part to a different location?
    swjf, Sep 25, 2004
  2. swjf

    Seth Renigar Guest

    No... Not exactly. Think about it like this:

    The origin represents the center of the universe in the 3D modeling world (I
    mean universe). If you moved it, then it just wouldn't be the center of the
    universe anymore, now would it?

    You can however move the part around the center of the universe by using
    several methods:
    1. Insert>Features>Move/Copy will move selected bodies to any location that
    you can define. This can either be done by Delta XYZ values or by defining
    a start point and end point with mouse clicks.
    2. Another common method that I use a lot on imported models is to actually
    create a new Coordinate System defined in the exact location and orientation
    that you would like to see the Origin. This may require a few reference
    sketches to accomplish this. Once this is done, you can export the model
    to something like a parasolid but make sure that you select this new
    Coordinate System in the export options. When you re-import this parasolid
    model, it will be in the correct location in relation to the Origin that you
    had previously defined the Coordinate System.

    Hope this helps.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 25, 2004
  3. swjf

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I agree with moving the sketch to where you want it in relation to the
    origin as an option. However he didn't specify that it was a native SW
    created model with sketches. I guess that when he asked if the origin could
    be moved in relation to the "part", I assumed that it was an imported part.

    There is one thing to be careful of when moving sketches as you describe.
    Before you move you sketch from the first base extrude, you must make sure
    that ALL child features & sketches are related ONLY to this first base
    extrude feature/sketch or you will likely get undesired results. To correct
    these undesired results, you will have to edit each sketch and move them
    individually, if they are even still intact.
    Seth Renigar, Sep 27, 2004
  4. So true - I saw it as a SW part started from a base sketch. Good point.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 27, 2004
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