Reloading Nested XREFs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tomk_rlba, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. tomk_rlba

    tomk_rlba Guest

    I've seen a routine to reload XREFs by clicking on them but it doesn't work on nested ones.

    Does anyone know of a way to reload a nested XREF by clicking on it?

    Even better: has anyone figured out how to strong arm Autodesk into providing a method of using that "an external xref has been changed and may need reloading" balloon to actually reload that changed XREF?


    Thom K
    tomk_rlba, Dec 7, 2004
  2. tomk_rlba

    dth Guest

    Try right clicking on the icon that the balloon is coming from. There is a
    reference to "Reload Xref's".

    providing a method of using that "an external xref has been changed and may
    need reloading" balloon to actually reload that changed XREF?
    dth, Dec 8, 2004
  3. tomk_rlba

    tomk_rlba Guest

    That will reload all of the xrefs. If you have some of them unloaded, it will reload those as well.

    I was hoping for a command that can be used as a button or type-in to accomplish loading just the xrefs selected.
    tomk_rlba, Dec 13, 2004
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