Reload Verilog file in SimVision

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by chloe_music2003, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm a new user to Cadence SimVision. I'm currently using VerilogXL with
    an integrated SimVision.

    When I make any changes to my Verilog files, I call SimVision for the
    first time with the command line:

    VerilogXL -s v_file.v v_testbench.v +gui

    This verifies the Verilog files and calls the simulator. I do the
    usual, select the waveforms I want to view, and run the simulation.
    After I get the simulation results, I go back to my Verilog coding if I
    encounter any errors in my simulation.

    My question is: how do I make any changes in VerilogXL, and reload the
    design in SimVision, and restart the simulation without having to close
    SimVision, and restart the process all over?

    I've been using Debussy previously, and this is the first time I'm
    using Cadence SimVision, so any help/advice anyone out there can help
    is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks very much in advance.

    Kind Regards,
    chloe_music2003, Apr 22, 2005
  2. Use Simulation->Reinvoke simulator in simvision. I just checked to make sure
    this works with verilogxl as well as ncverilog - and it does.

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 22, 2005
  3. Hello Andrew,

    Thanks for your suggestion. I actually tried using the "Reinvoke
    Simulator" option in SimVision. The simulation restarts, but the
    waveforms in the Waveform window disappear, and the results come back
    I tried closing the Waveform window and reopening it, but the results
    are the same. No waveforms.
    What did I do wrong?
    Please help. Thanks very much in advance.

    Kind regards,
    chloe_music2003, Apr 26, 2005
  4. No idea. What version are you using? It certainly didn't do what you
    describe when I tried it.

    I'd also take a look in the simulator log files to see if that shows up what
    is happening...

    I assume you re-ran the simulation after re-invoking?


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 26, 2005
  5. Hello Andrew,

    The versions I'm using are:
    - SimVision v5
    - VerilogXL v5

    Yes, I re-ran the simulation after re-invoking the simulator. The
    waveforms not just did not reload, they disappeared altogether. The
    values of all the signals became "????".
    Here are the steps I took. Please let me know if I did anything wrong.

    1. On Hummingbird xterm, I type "VerilogXL -s v_file.v v_tb.v +gui
    2. VerilogXL verifies the RTL; if everything is okay, it calls
    3. In SimVision Design Browser window, I select the signals which I
    want to see simulated, and send them to Waveform Window.
    4. I clicked on Simulation, and then Run.
    5. The simulation runs and finishes. I perform changes to the RTL.
    6. I click on Simulation -> Reinvoke Simulator.
    7. The argument is still "-s v_file.v v_tb.v +gui". I re-invoke the
    simulator using the argument.
    8. When I clicked on Simulation-> Reinvoke Simulator, all the waveforms
    disappeared, leaving behind only the signal names and its values (all
    became "????").
    9. I clicked on Simulation - > Run.
    10. All the values are still "????". No waveforms.

    The log files does not seem to be showing any abnormalities.
    Please help if you can.
    Appreciated :)

    Kind regards,
    chloe_music2003, Apr 26, 2005
  6. Hi Chloe,

    Unfortunately I don't know why this is happening - I couldn't find records of
    a similar problem (it's hard to search for this, unfortunately) - and to be
    honest this is not really my main product area. If you're using LDV50, then
    perhaps you might want to try a newer version (IUS54 is the current release)
    to see if that helps?

    Or contact customer support via your usual channel.


    Andrew Beckett, May 3, 2005
  7. Dear Andrew,

    It's okay. Thanks for all help anyways. I'll ask around and try again.
    Will let you know what the problem and the solutions are if I do find
    it :)

    Thanks again.

    chloe_music2003, May 4, 2005
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