Reload Path of nested XREF

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paco Fdez Perez, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. Hello.

    I need to reload the path of the xref's of a drawing and the nested
    xref of the same drawing.


    A = C:\Proyect\A.DWG
    B = C:\Proyect\XREF\B.DWG
    C = C:\Proyect\DRAWINGS\C.DWG

    I need to repath to:

    A = E:\MyProyects\Proyect\A.DWG
    B = E:\MyProyects\Proyect\XREF\B.DWG
    C = E:\MyProyects\Proyect\DRAWINGS\C.DWG

    I have tried to reload XREF B with the new path but nothing, error:
    the xref C that is including in B I don't reload it.

    Can Somebody help me???

    Thank you.
    Paco Fdez Perez, Oct 27, 2004
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