reliable custom menu

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tclloyd, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. tclloyd

    tclloyd Guest

    I would like to create a bullet-proof custom menu or at least one with a reasonable amount of durability that will not turn to smiley faces, question marks, or whatever seemingly at random. I have a number of bitmaps I would like to use with names that make sense to me like "line", "copy multiple", "escape", etc. Autocad likes to rename these "icon1234" or "RCDA1234" and they seem to end up scattered all over my computer. I need step by step guidance here apparently as all previous methods have invariably failed seemingly at random. Do I need to create my own partial menu to edit? How? Where do I put it. Where should my bitmap icon files reside? Do I need to reference my menu in the support path? I have been trying to understand these concepts for years, but I cannot seem to get my mind wrapped around it. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. tcl
    tclloyd, Jan 12, 2004
  2. tclloyd

    kemp Guest

    I'd recommend creating a custom menu and modifying the [menufile].mnu file
    manually. You can then modify this adding the bitmaps you have already
    defined. This will keep the smiley faces (as happy as they look) out!

    There are way too many concepts to explain right here, but read the
    following in acad help:
    Customization Guide
    This is my advice, and how I set up our custom menus. Not "bulletproof" but
    it keeps you from screwing up the standard menus and eliminates the pesky
    smiley faces at the same time.


    reasonable amount of durability that will not turn to smiley faces, question
    marks, or whatever seemingly at random. I have a number of bitmaps I would
    like to use with names that make sense to me like "line", "copy multiple",
    "escape", etc. Autocad likes to rename these "icon1234" or "RCDA1234" and
    they seem to end up scattered all over my computer. I need step by step
    guidance here apparently as all previous methods have invariably failed
    seemingly at random. Do I need to create my own partial menu to edit? How?
    Where do I put it. Where should my bitmap icon files reside? Do I need to
    reference my menu in the support path? I have been trying to understand
    these concepts for years, but I cannot seem to get my mind wrapped around
    it. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. tcl
    kemp, Jan 12, 2004
  3. tclloyd

    Tom Smith Guest

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, read Mark Middlebrook's
    discussion of doing toolbars "the right way" . The only way to get the
    bmp's named right is to hand edit the mns file. For info on partial menus &
    modular customization see .

    reasonable amount of durability that will not turn to smiley faces, question
    marks, or whatever seemingly at random. I have a number of bitmaps I would
    like to use with names that make sense to me like "line", "copy multiple",
    "escape", etc. Autocad likes to rename these "icon1234" or "RCDA1234" and
    they seem to end up scattered all over my computer. I need step by step
    guidance here apparently as all previous methods have invariably failed
    seemingly at random. Do I need to create my own partial menu to edit? How?
    Where do I put it. Where should my bitmap icon files reside? Do I need to
    reference my menu in the support path? I have been trying to understand
    these concepts for years, but I cannot seem to get my mind wrapped around
    it. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. tcl
    Tom Smith, Jan 12, 2004
  4. Firstly create a seperate folder for all your customising, sub-folder are
    o.k. too.
    Place all your customising here, including your custom menu files.
    Write an acaddoc.lsp (located in your custom folder) which loads your
    partial menu from here.
    Add your custom folder to the autocad search paths under options.

    About a simple as it gets.
    Hope this helps
    Andrew McDonald

    Sample acaddoc.lsp file :

    (defun-q DTstartup ()
    (setvar "filedia" 0)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (command "menuunload" "DT") <----your custom menu name
    (command "menuload" "c:/DT2004/DT") <----your custom menu name
    (menucmd "p3=+DT.pop1")
    (menucmd "A1=+DT.AUX1")
    (menucmd "A2=+DT.AUX2")
    (menucmd "P0=DT.QUICK")
    (setvar "filedia" 1)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (command "ucsicon" "noorigin")
    (setvar "cmddia" 1)
    (setvar "sortents" (boole 7 (getvar "sortents") 16)) ;force 16 bit for
    (setvar "filletrad" 0.0000) ;sets fillet radius to 0
    (setvar "pdmode" 3) ;point mode = X
    (setvar "pdsize" 200) ;point size
    (setvar "lunits" 2) ;Decimal
    (setvar "luprec" 4) ;0.0000
    (setvar "aunits" 1) ;degrees/minutes/seconds
    (setvar "auprec" 3) ;0d 0' 0"
    (setvar "angdir" 0) ;counter-clockwise for angle measurement
    (setvar "cecolor" "bylayer") ;sets color to draw bylayer
    (setvar "highlight" 1) ;shows dragging of objects
    (setvar "isavepercent" 0) ;ensures all saves are full saves
    (setvar "osmode" 0) ;turns objects snaps off
    (setvar "snapmode" 0) ;turns of snapping
    (setvar "ucsicon" 1) ;turns ucsicon on
    (prompt "\nDesigners Toolbox© menu utilities ... loaded

    (setq S::STARTUP (append S::STARTUP DTstartup))

    ;; load dwg-scale at status bar program
    (if (and (findFile "dwg-scale.vlx")
    (not (vl-vlx-loaded-p "dwg-scale")))
    (load (findFile "c:/dt2004/lsp/info/dwg-scale.vlx") nil))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/modify/lfd" '("lfd"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/upatt" '("upatt"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/draw/leader" '("le"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/draw/nd" '("nd"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/text/chtext" '("cht"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/TEXT/ED" '("ed"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/DDCHPROP" '("dcp"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/TEXT/DIMARC" '("da"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/modify/c2c" '("c2c"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/modify/mz" '("mz"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/modify/SSX" '("ssx"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/info/dz" '("dz"))
    (autoload "c:/DT2004/LSP/DT-KEYS" '("50i" "90" "110" "140" "190"
    "BA" "BD" "BDY" "BE" "BOV" "BOUT" "BT" "BU"
    "C1" "C2" "C3" "C4" "C5" "C6" "C7" "C8" "C9" "C13"
    "CB" "CC" "CE" "CL" "CO" "CS" "CT"
    "DI" "DM" "DO" "DP" "DU" "DY"
    "EGL" "EL" "EQ" "EW"
    "F" "FC" "FE" "FFL" "FGL" "FIX" "FP" "FR" "FS" "FT" "FU" "FV"
    "G" "GA" "GR" "GL" "GBA" "GFA" "GU"
    "H1" "H15" "H2" "H25" "H3" "HA" "HB" "HC" "HF" "HG" "HID" "HK" "HO" "HR"
    "HRT" "HS" "HT" "HY"
    "J" "JO"
    "L1" "L13" "L18" "L2" "L3" "L5" "L7" "L10" "LG" "L0" "LM" "LO" "LS"
    "PB" "PD" "PM" "P0" "PV"
    "RA" "RC" "RET" "REV" "RF" "RFO" "RFU" "RL" "RP" "RS" "RT" "RW"
    "S18" "S2" "S3" "SE" "SEW" "SI" "SL" "SQ" "SR" "SW" "SWR"
    "T18" "T2" "T3" "T5" "T7" "TBR" "TE" "TEL" "TI" "TOA" "TM" "TT" "TU"
    "W" "WA" "WG" "WI" "WPM"
    "ZD" "ZE" "ZP" "ZL"))

    reasonable amount of durability that will not turn to smiley faces, question
    marks, or whatever seemingly at random. I have a number of bitmaps I would
    like to use with names that make sense to me like "line", "copy multiple",
    "escape", etc. Autocad likes to rename these "icon1234" or "RCDA1234" and
    they seem to end up scattered all over my computer. I need step by step
    guidance here apparently as all previous methods have invariably failed
    seemingly at random. Do I need to create my own partial menu to edit? How?
    Where do I put it. Where should my bitmap icon files reside? Do I need to
    reference my menu in the support path? I have been trying to understand
    these concepts for years, but I cannot seem to get my mind wrapped around
    it. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. tcl
    Andrew McDonald, Jan 12, 2004
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