
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by coldhot, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. coldhot

    coldhot Guest


    Recently I switch to SWX2006 from 2004.

    When modifying a sketch, you get these little blue squares showing

    Sometimes they get on the way, blocking dimensions or other features.
    Is there a way to turn them off?

    Thank you for ALL your help!
    coldhot, Jun 13, 2006
  2. coldhot

    John Layne Guest

    I and others here have this on a hotkey, sometimes those little blue square
    are very useful and a quick way to edit. They do become irritating when they
    flood the screen though.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Jun 13, 2006
  3. coldhot

    John H Guest

    SWX has copied this functionality from I-Deas (and possibly others).
    However, what you can do in I-Deas is rescale the symbol display size by
    zooming in and forcing a re-draw. This makes the symbols appear smaller, so
    you get the benefit of them without cluttering the screen.

    Maybe we should all ask for this enhancement.

    Something else I find a pain, is that when I am dimensioning a sketch, if
    the symbols are visible, it seems to preferentially choose these rather than
    the lines/arcs I'm trying to select. Why on earth it doesn't exclude these
    entities when the dimension command is active is byond me.

    John H
    John H, Jun 13, 2006
  4. coldhot

    TNN Design Guest

    In the sketch mode of that part, click on tool --- relations ----
    display/delete to turn on and off the "blue relations"

    TNN Design Solutions - Thai Tran
    TNN Design, Jun 13, 2006
  5. coldhot

    TNN Design Guest

    In the sketch mode of that part, click on tool --- relations ----
    display/delete to turn on and off the "blue relations"

    TNN Design Solutions - Thai Tran
    TNN Design, Jun 13, 2006
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