relations to sketch end points

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    When selecting two points that are coincident to each other is there
    a good way to determine which point you have selected? For example if
    you have two sketch lines (sketch line A and B) and their end points
    are coincident to each other and then you add a third sketch line (C)
    and make its end point coincident to the end points of A and B which
    entities actually have the relation added? Did C get related to A or B?
    How can the user determine which entities are related to each other?


    Sam, Nov 22, 2005
  2. Sam

    Brian Guest

    Once the endpoints are made coincident, there is only one point, shared
    by lines A and B. If you add line C to the mix, and make its endpoint
    coincident to the previously shared one, there is still only one point. For
    internal identification, it looks as if SW keeps the same ID for the point
    as it first had when it first becomes shared. IE. after mating lines A and
    B, the shared endpoint will be ID'd as one of the origional endpoints of A
    or B ( not sure how it determines which one), for instance "point2".
    Although other entities may be added to the mix, like line C, the point
    retains the "point2" identification. Clear as mud?
    Brian, Nov 22, 2005
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