Reinstalling Autocad2005 on upgraded comp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Yan, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Yan

    Yan Guest

    I'm having problems with my computer.
    If I replace the hard drive or the operating system will I have to
    reinstall Autocad 2005?
    Also will I have to get a different AUTHORIZATION REQUEST CODE and have
    to get another AUTHORIZATION CODE from Autodesk?
    Yan, Mar 2, 2005
  2. Yan

    Main Guest

    If you replace you HD you can "CLONE" it once its been formatted, by using
    several methods. I personally just format it set the jumpers as slave or if
    it cable select set the jumpers to that, format it, and the just select the
    C drive and the it just the same as the normal copy, however you will get an
    error that windows cannot copy the 386swapFile, I think it a long time since
    I did this, but that can be over come by restarting and at the windows
    start-up going in to dos and using the dos copy command for the 386swapfile,
    but make a note of where it is so you can put it in the right place.

    There is alternatively the go out and purchase one of the cloning software
    packages but the above method is, I wouldn't say hassle free but it is
    cost-free other than a bit of you time.
    Main, Mar 3, 2005
  3. Yan

    DTurner Guest

    I want to purchase Auto Cad 2005 LT,How many computers am I able to install
    this program on?I would like to put it on my desk top as well as my
    laptop.At $1300 a pop it seams a little steep to purchase this twice.What
    are the options for the budget minded?

    DTurner, Mar 3, 2005
  4. Yan

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Lifted directly from the EULA that ships with LT2005:

    3.1.2 Additional Installation. Except with regard to
    Educational Institutional, Student and Evaluation Versions only, You may
    Install and Access a second copy of the Software on the hard disk of a
    second Computer owned by You or under Your control provided that:

    (i) the original and second copies are used only by
    the same person;

    (ii) the second copy is Installed and Accessed only
    on either (a) with respect to Network Versions, a redundant server that
    makes the Software available for use only when Your primary server on which
    the active Software copy is Installed becomes inoperable, or (b) a notebook
    computer or other non-server computer away from Your usual work location for
    the purpose of enabling You to perform work while away from Your usual work

    (iii) only one of the Software copies is Accessed at
    any one time; and

    (iv) both copies of the Software are Installed and
    Accessed exclusively with the copy protection device (if any) supplied with
    the Software.

    Paul Turvill, Mar 3, 2005
  5. Intellicad.
    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 3, 2005
  6. Yan

    Main Guest

    I've tried this several times with AutoCAD packages and it don't want too
    work for me so how's it done ????
    Main, Mar 4, 2005
  7. Yan

    CW Guest

    It's a little steep to purchase once.
    CW, Mar 4, 2005
  8. Yan

    Chris Gyotar Guest

    Well you can install it on both and transfer your license back and forth.
    Big trouble but it is legal and doable. Or you can just pay for one license
    and use a keygen for the other, It may not be legal but in reality it is the
    same idea as transferring license from computer to long as you
    don't take advantage and give it to your friends, or make profit from it,

    Chris Gyotar, Mar 4, 2005
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