Registry permissions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I was having problems with SW complaining about not being able to
    write to the registry when first firing up the program. This started
    after deleting and recreating my profile in an active directory
    domain. I tracked the problem down to permissions on three keys in the
    registry. Has anybody else run across this?

    TOP, Apr 14, 2007
  2. TOP

    Jason Guest

    Yes...which 3 keys did you have trouble with?
    Jason, Apr 14, 2007
  3. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Keys like this:


    There was a key for parts, drawings and assemblies. Also one for

    SYSTEM had full control, Administrators had very limited control.
    Giving Administrators more control fixed the error messages but might
    have been overkill. The big question is why did this happen?

    TOP, Apr 14, 2007
  4. TOP

    Jason Guest

    Basically I had to reset permissions at the top level
    "hkey_classes_root" and propogate it down to all children. Some keys
    had the permission for "system" unchecked. At first I tried
    individually setting the few keys having the problem which let the
    install finish. service pack ran into the same
    issue...the permission were set back. This cropped up in swx 2006 and
    the problem kept happening with 2007 as well. I finally reset the top
    level registry folders, propogated it down to all children and the
    problem hasn't resurfaced.

    Question it just something hosed on my PC...or was Swx
    responsible? Search the solidworks knowledge base for "1402".....there
    quite a few entries on it, most point you to Microsoft as a registry
    Jason, Apr 15, 2007
  5. TOP

    TOP Guest


    Are you on a domain? I didn't expect this many responses ( a few by
    email ) and I'm wondering just how to report this to SW since I have
    no idea how to repeat the problem nor do I have the inclination to do
    so ( time is money and all that ).

    TOP, Apr 15, 2007
  6. TOP

    j Guest

    I've had issues with SW and updating SP in getting the 1402 errors. Was
    told to uninstall and reinstall SW but doing so i basically had to
    reformat and install everything. This is not the first problem I've had
    with SW and the 1402 error. I tried to edit the permissions in the
    registry to give permissions but ended up reinstaling everything. Never
    had any problems with any other program installing or updating than I
    have had with SW.
    j, Apr 15, 2007
  7. TOP

    Jason Guest

    Just the number of hits in the knowledge base means they know
    about...though I think they are blaming it all on Windows......just
    not sure that's the case. I've never reported the issue myself as its
    on my home PC and don't know how to go about making them aware of it.
    Likely they would just point out one of those knowledge base entries
    and refer me to Microsoft for the fix.

    My hunch is Solidworks is partly to blame depending on some weird
    combination of screw ups in the registry...probably due to some
    spyware or something in the past...probably the same thing causing my
    Outlook new mail notification sound to "beep" with the PC internal
    speaker instead of the windows email wav chime.
    Jason, Apr 15, 2007
  8. TOP

    Cliff Guest

    Umm ... What permissions did YOU have *at the time of install*?
    It may have "inherited" .. ?
    Cliff, Apr 16, 2007
  9. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Never thought to look in the KB. Guess I figured that one out myself.
    Pat on the back.


    It turned up for dwgEditor too. I suspect there is something else
    going on, but at least the thing works.


    PS: Boy there are a lot more registry related problems now than I ever
    TOP, Apr 16, 2007
  10. TOP

    Jason Guest

    I'm logged in as admin on my home there "should not" be any
    inherited permissions issues.....keyword being should not of course.
    Jason, Apr 16, 2007
  11. TOP

    Jason Guest

    Yeah...I think I got the dwgeditor one as well. Make sure you create a
    restore point before you try resetting registry permissions at the top
    level. I corrupted mine once...actually I think I inadvertently
    removed "write" permissions for either admin or system...maybe
    both...whatever I did...Windows wouldn't start. Had to go through the
    fun restore the old backup hives through the DOS like interface
    method..not fun.
    Jason, Apr 16, 2007
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