Registry location for Plot Stamp on

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chip Harper, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    Looking for the registry location that determines if plot stamp is turned on
    or off for AutoCAD 2004.
    Chip Harper, Jan 28, 2004
  2. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    OK, think I found it ...Dialogs\\Plot Stamp ..."PlotStamp" but I see
    0x00000000 (0) for off and 0x00000001 (1) for on. Do I need to pass the
    entire string to change it or just a 0 or 1?
    Chip Harper, Jan 28, 2004
  3. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    I'm passing the entire string and I see the value is changing in the
    registry just like it does when I manually place the check mark in the plot
    dialog BUT if I manually turn off plot stamping, run my lisp, the registry
    value changes but no plot stamp. I'm guessing there's another registry
    setting to change somewhere.... :-(
    Chip Harper, Jan 28, 2004
  4. Chip Harper

    Chip Harper Guest

    Disregard, got it figured out. :)
    Chip Harper, Jan 28, 2004
  5. Chip Harper

    Thomas Smith Guest

    My guess would be that the registry is only read when AutoCAD is opened...
    If you change the registry entry while AutoCAD is open, AutoCAD will still
    retain the value that it got when it read the registry when AutoCAD opened.
    My bet is that AutoCAD will even write out it's current settings when it
    closes, so changing a registry value while AutoCAD is opened would not be
    the way to do it....

    There should be a Visual Lisp route to change the Plot Stamp setting (I'm no
    expert at VL... I"m an old school LISPer...) but it should be there...
    Thomas Smith, Jan 28, 2004
  6. Chip Harper

    ECCAD Guest

    OK, you want to share the fix ?
    ECCAD, Jan 28, 2004
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