Region color problems.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Raj, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. Raj

    Raj Guest

    In my drawaing, I have a region with orange color. When I embed another
    region with brown color on it, I see the orange diagnol (hatch) lines
    behind the brown region when I resize the drawing. How can I avoide

    Raj, Aug 7, 2006
  2. Raj

    Dr Fleau Guest

    I've had that happening with some architectural drawings. DRAWORDER works
    well, as well as moving the offending hatch down in the Z axis (the first is
    way more easy to deal with down the line...) in fact, ignore my second idea.
    I would press backspace to erase it, but it's more fun letting you in on my
    line of thought. I'm hungry.

    I wrote a lisp that presses all hatches to the back, and brings all
    dimensions and leader lines to the front. Here ya go. It won't actually
    resolve your problem, but gives you an idea of how to deal with similar
    situations. Just change ((0 . "HATCH")) for ((0 . "REGION"))


    Dr Fleau

    Now where's my Johnny Cash CD ?

    ;;; Pierre Marcotte 18/02/2003
    ;;; Ramasse les entités "HATCH" et les mets
    ;;; à l'arrière de toutes les autres lignes, et
    ;;; amène les LEADER à l'avant pour
    ;;; un affichage net et clair.

    (DEFUN c:hatchback (/ hatchentdata leaderentata)
    (SETVAR "cmdecho" 0)
    ;; ------------Gets all HATCH entities----------------
    (SETQ hatchentdata (SSGET "X" '((0 . "HATCH"))))
    (IF (AND (NOT (/= (GETVAR "TILEMODE") 0))
    (= NIL hatchentdata)
    ) ;_end AND
    (PRINC "\n You are not in ModelSpace. Try again."
    ) ;_end PROGN
    (if (/= nil hatchentdata)
    ;; Sets the hatch entities to the back
    (COMMAND "_draworder" hatchentdata "" "B")
    ;; ------------Gets all LEADER
    ;; entities-----------
    (SETQ leaderentata (SSGET "X" '((0 . "LEADER"))))
    ;; Sets the leaders to the front
    (COMMAND "_draworder" leaderentata "" "F")
    (princ "\n No HATCH found. ")

    ) ;_end IF

    ) ;_ end DEFUN
    Dr Fleau, Aug 7, 2006
  3. Raj

    Raj Guest

    Thanks Dr Fleau for sharing your knowledge and thoughts.

    I figured that if I do the rendering using the Accurender then these
    hatches will go away in the final drawing. So I am not desperate now to
    avoid these.

    Raj, Aug 17, 2006
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