Refreshing NG, Anne?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Juerg Menzi, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Juerg Menzi

    Juerg Menzi Guest

    Hi Anne

    Since yesterday I try to refresh this ng - no chance. After about 30%, Netscape 4.75 stops with an error message:
    'Beim Diskussions-Server ist ein Fehler aufgetreten' (german)
    ''With the discussion server an error occurs'

    The same with Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 which hangs at the same percentage without any error message.

    What's the reason for this and why are there some empty junk messages with no title and dates around 1970 or 2030?

    I've done the whole procedure with deleting cache several times...

    Juerg Menzi, Sep 12, 2004
  2. Juerg Menzi

    Walt Engle Guest

    Isn't it too bad that some things we like don't work anymore. I too use
    Netscape and was using 4.75 for a long time - until recently. It appears
    XP with SP2 presents some problems with 4.75 so I had to upgrade to 7.1.
    I am not particularly happy with 7.1, but still prefer Netscape to
    Walt Engle, Sep 12, 2004
  3. Juerg Menzi

    Juerg Menzi Guest

    Hi Walt

    Using still W2kSP4 and had no serious problems until now. In parallel working with Mozilla Thunderbird (latest version) and have the same problems...
    Can't be the reader software!

    Juerg Menzi, Sep 12, 2004
  4. Juerg Menzi

    Walt Engle Guest

    What can I say? Having watched Autodesk discussion groups for a couple
    of years, I notice some users have a problem with a particular software
    while other users are alright. Then there are other seemingly
    "ridiculous" problems - usually minor. Perhaps I'm lucky - I don't know.
    I have a Dell, 986Mhz (2 1/2 years old), 256Mb ram, R2004, XP with SP2
    and a host of other software on a 40Gb hard drive (getting a 120Gb hard
    drive later today). I guess we all have to realize that what we are
    dealing with are electrons whizzing around and it's a miracle we can do
    any work at all.
    Walt Engle, Sep 12, 2004
  5. Hi
    I use Outlook Express and I find with this NG that when you use the
    "Catchup" command you are in for a long wait with the program apparently
    locked up.

    The wait is at least 5 to 10 times longer than any other NG I subscribe to.

    As a result, I do a Crtl-A, right-click, Mark as Read sequence just for this


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Sep 12, 2004
  6. Juerg Menzi

    Anne Brown Guest

    Hi Juerg -

    I use Netscape 4.75 and am not seeing what you are at all. I wish
    I could help you further but I don't have any idea what is wrong.
    My only suggestion would be to delete your .rc file which you
    will find in the Netscape program file and reload the groups. You
    might want to save off your current .rc file somewhere else on
    your computer in case you want to restore it.

    I'll try to see what I can find out for you but there aren't many
    of us who use Netscape.
    Anne Brown, Sep 12, 2004
  7. Juerg Menzi

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Anne

    Got it in meantime...
    Same procedure also in Mozilla Thunderbird:
    - Deleting group info from *.rc
    - Deleting *.snm respectively *.msf
    - Reloading the group in steps (10'000 at one go)

    Jürg Menzi, Sep 13, 2004
  8. Try the new release of Netscape (7.2) just made public in the last
    couple of weeks. It's faster than earlier releases and works great.
    Harold Leveritt, Sep 13, 2004
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