reflections, shadows and indirect illumination

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    Maybe I just haven't been paying attention to the Photoworks threads, but
    I'm not able to get reflections or shadows on a mirror base when indirect
    illumination is on.

    Wazzup widdat?

    matt, Feb 8, 2004
  2. What service pack? Reflections and indirect illumination worked in 1.0.

    There is a legitimate way to get what you are experiencing.
    Check your options under raytracing. You can have reflections set to 0,
    though I do not think you can get it to happen by mistake (unless someone
    else worked on the part/assembly)?
    Check your shadows under scenery to see if they are on, and also check the
    individual light properties to insure that no one set 'individual shadow
    control' for these lights and turned off their shadows (but I seriously
    doubt you would have missed that one)

    I'll check what the defaults are in 2.1 when I get the chance, and report
    back if they might be a contributing cause. I noticed when changing from
    sp0 to sp1 that my default gamma got overwritten. Its possible that SWx
    messed with things again when applying the service pack, but again its a
    long shot.
    Edward T Eaton, Feb 8, 2004
  3. matt

    matt Guest


    I subscribe to the RBP (random button pushing) method when running P-works.
    I learn stuff by accident, and don't use it often enough to remember things
    I learned last time.

    Anyway, it turned out that I was using a white background and with the
    indirect illumination setting, everything was getting washed out. I'm
    using sp 2.1. The little preview window showed the shadows. Anyway, when
    I changed the background to a dark grey, it worked ok, but then I had a
    dark grey background.

    How do you get a white background and not let it wash out the shadows and

    matt, Feb 8, 2004
  4. Waz-up matt,
    Always use these settings to begin with and you'll
    be off to a great start every time...

    LIGHTING (in the Feature Manager)...
    *) Ambient, Directional, Etc.: Turn every one of
    them OFF

    *) Use a Spherical Room environment (because it's
    easier to change two walls then six) and make your
    own floor from a surface
    *) Or, if you need Perspective View on, use linear walls
    and use the PhotoWorks floor. A manually made surface
    floor can make perspective not work very well.

    *) Assign the wall materials with a dark gray plastic
    *) Change the illumination material type to "Constant"
    for each wall (except the floor)
    *) Disable "Resize Automatically"
    *) Make the room size about 10x bigger than your model

    *) Color: Plain with white
    *) Reflective Background: Doesn't matter here. Your
    walls will be the reflective factor.
    *) No fog

    *) Select "No Shadow" to start off with

    System Options...
    *) Screen Gamma: 1
    *) All boxes disabled except for "Display
    progress/abort dialog".

    Document Properties...
    *) Anti-Aliasing: Medium
    *) Ray Tracing: Disabled
    *) Memory management: Disabled

    *) Indirect Illumination: Enabled, set to
    first notch
    *) Contour Rendering: Model only

    Once you have all of this set, do a test rendering.
    If it's too dark, change the wall color to a lighter
    shade of gray, or experiment with clouds etc.
    Always make sure you reset the illumination material
    type to "Constant". This is how you "illuminate" the
    model using Indirect Illumination (get it?).

    Once the model is lighting up, turn on a Directional
    light to add Ed Eaton's "Farkles". Adjust that light
    if it's too bright.

    Lastly, you can experiment with shadows and higher
    settings. But don't do this until you've done the
    above, otherwise you may unnecessarily increase your
    rendering time and not know what to adjust to make
    it render efficiently again.

    Many thanks to Brian Hill for some of these tips.

    Let us know how it goes,
    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 8, 2004
  5. Nice checklist. I was waiting for the farkles, though I would put that
    light in earlier in the process because it will alter your illuminations
    What is missing is turning raytracing back on (I presume that you mean
    setting reflections and refractions to 0 when you say 'turn raytracing
    matt wants to have reflections in the base, which will not happen if
    raytracing is not enabled.
    To judge the effect of minor changes to your rendering, be sure to turn off
    the option of 'clear image before rendering's. This way you will see
    changes live on the screen as new pixels replace the old. I cannot fathom
    why anyone would want to clear the image before rendering and lose this
    powerful and effective feedback.
    Edward T Eaton, Feb 9, 2004
  6. No, actually from my tests, when you leave that option
    disabled, the 'Number of reflections' defaults to around 3 or
    4 (I think, it's been a while) and the 'Number of refractions'
    also defaults to a certain number, even though it shows a
    different amount and is grayed-out. I was trying to make it

    Maybe things have changed since my last experiments?
    However to make things consistant, we should come up with
    some good default settings of our own.

    How about enabling it and setting it to...
    Number of reflections: 5 to 8
    Number of refractions: 3 to 4

    What do you think is a good start Ed?
    I agree

    Thanks for the feedback Ed,
    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 9, 2004
  7. OK, you are not turning off raytracing - you are just turning off the
    control and using the defaults.

    Reflections should remain at 3-4. You need at least 2 or renderings of
    reflective things next to other reflective thigns look wierd, but any more
    than 4 and it won't make that huge a difference because there's enough
    complexity to fool the eye. That is, unless you are attempting one of those
    infinite mirror thingies (like that candle in a mirror we played around with
    a year and a half ago).

    Refractions are a different story. When the refractions run out, the ray
    goes black if it has not made its way out of the refractive material.
    Imagine rendering a phonebooth (remember those?). If you have refractions
    set at 3, the environment on the other side of the phone booth will look
    black. You need to have refractions set to 4 or more in order for the light
    to get through the glass (2 panes of glass, each with 2 refractive surfaces)
    and show whats on the other side.
    I set refractions up higher, experimenting with how much black is acceptable
    in areas where the light is just goign to bounce around for a while.
    Edward T Eaton, Feb 9, 2004
  8. matt

    matt Guest

    Wow. That looks like good information. I've lost patience with it for
    now, having got something out of it that was good enough for my purposes,
    but next month when I go to render something again, I'll check out this
    list. Looks like a lot of work. You've got to do this for every part and
    assembly you render?


    matt, Feb 10, 2004
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