Reflections on good and evil

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by booktwo, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. booktwo

    booktwo Guest

    My name is Lorenzo Crescini and I'm Italian. These "Flashes on
    Good and evil" reflect the same mood characterizing the Flashes on
    the Holy Gospels and Turin's Holy Shroud I wrote in Africa: making
    myself useful to our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I will start by quoting the best Prayer to Jesus I've ever read.
    At the very beginning some reflections concern the devil one.
    I thank all those who will read me, write to me, will ask for an
    explanation and those who will be able and willing to advertise what
    they read by Web, the press or however they like.
    I am confident that the last of my Reflections containing a few lined
    short account of my life, will be devoted to all of us who are proud
    of the Lord.

    Web site
    personal e-mail for communications

    Best regards

    Here are three Reflections as an example

    24) One cannot or mustn't say to those who are ill and suffering: "
    That's God who puts you to the test". In this way we would offend
    The God of Endless Love who cannot wish our suffering. One needs say to
    those who suffer: " God's Son himself suffered because of evil, but
    you will also resurrect with Him, as He did". That is the truth and
    only the truth can give one who suffers the Hope which won't let him
    fall into that despair the devil one wants to seize his soul and
    conscience! Saying: "it's God who puts you to the test" gives a
    suffering man the same relief a learned lecture on food chemistry gives
    a starving one.

    29) We can give or take from God, Creator of all things, nothing,
    except for two things: we can take from Him Honour by offending Him
    with our refusal, we can give Him our love, by accepting Him in our
    heart! With what insolence might we wish or boast His Light one day,
    we, if we had denied Him all life long, being able to believe Him and
    not doing that?

    38) There are many Evangelic miracles showing the spontaneity of a
    memory, neither built nor adapted, which nevertheless is engraved in
    the memory of those who were present to the event. It is from conveyed
    small details that the truth of the memory of a lived and handed down
    episode transpires.
    booktwo, Jul 28, 2006
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