Reference point and curve

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Krister L, May 7, 2004.

  1. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Hi all
    I'm trying hard to make an animation using reference point, curve and
    equations. Problem is I try to make the point follow a composite curve made
    from a 3D sketch. The curve is just straight lines with a radius between a pipe. The point won't just follow the stops at
    the end of the first straight line and goes back to the start point. I had a
    look at one of Mike J Wilsons examples and he's using a spline for the
    curve/path...but the help and refence guide just refers to a curve to hook
    the reference poing up to. I need the path look like this ....stright lines
    connected by the x, y and z directions
    Anybody with some insight into this ....please give me a hint

    Krister L
    Krister L, May 7, 2004
  2. I don't know diddly about animations and reference points, but are you sure
    that you are catching the composite curve? It sounds more like you're
    catching the line in the 3D sketch. If hiding the sketch doesn't fix it, you
    might try fitting a spline to your lines and arcs. It will probably be close
    enough for an animation.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 7, 2004
  3. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Hi Jerry
    As you say it seems like I'm catching the line instead of the curve but the
    selection box sais "edge"....and the 3d sketch is actually hidden
    here.....if I pick the comp curve from the FM it will show up in the
    selection box, but without the possibillity to set a distance, and it can't
    be saved for a path/curve
    If I move the cursor over the comp curve a small note will tell me that it
    really is a comp curve but only one entity (one line) at the time will
    lighten up.
    I also tried to fit a spline to the 3d sketch and use it for the path....but
    it didn't look really good.....maybe I need to give it some more time and be
    more careful with it

    Krister L
    Krister L, May 7, 2004
  4. Yeah, I see the same thing here. Too bad SolidWorks doesn't
    give a 100% effort when designing new features.

    You get the same problem for "Curve Driven Pattern" as well.

    When you tried to fit a spline, did you use the "Fit Spline"
    command? I'm sure that's what Jerry meant, rather than manually
    drawing it. It *should* work wonderfully.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 8, 2004
  5. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Hi Mike

    No I didn't try that one.....I'll look it up and see what I can do with it
    right away....if I only can get it look like pipe in certain
    filmsequences...(this is gonna be animated with photoworks) it will be
    great. Most of the time I can use a straight line .....but I really need to
    let it pass a few bends in different directions.

    // Krister L
    Krister L, May 8, 2004
  6. Krister L

    Krister L Guest

    Thanks Mike and Jerry

    Fit spline seems to be the I can get the reference point to
    follow my path.

    Krister L
    Krister L, May 8, 2004
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