Reducing Hidden Edges processing time

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Anthony and Kirsty, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. Does anybody know exactly what dictates the speed a render is processed?

    The reason is I am thinking of increasing RAM to 1 GIG

    AMD 1600
    512 Meg of Ram

    Obviously as soon as I hit the go button, CPU processing goes straight
    to %100 but my memory never seems to be hit very hard

    I have set MEM Cache to 99000
    Resource cache to 64000

    but but hidden line times do not seem to alter at all (using the default
    memory ettings)

    Is my processor the bottleneck

    Anthony Cox
    Anthony and Kirsty, Aug 12, 2003
  2. Anthony and Kirsty

    Bear Guest

    A better processor will help mate. Not really a RAM issue.

    Sean Forward (Bear)

    I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me

    Does anybody know exactly what dictates the speed a render is processed?

    The reason is I am thinking of increasing RAM to 1 GIG

    AMD 1600
    512 Meg of Ram

    Obviously as soon as I hit the go button, CPU processing goes straight
    to %100 but my memory never seems to be hit very hard

    I have set MEM Cache to 99000
    Resource cache to 64000

    but but hidden line times do not seem to alter at all (using the default
    memory ettings)

    Is my processor the bottleneck

    Anthony Cox
    Bear, Aug 18, 2003
  3. Anthony and Kirsty

    Mike Otte Guest

    Bear, what processor would you recommend? Currently I am testing a
    pentium 4 2.4 GHz with 2 gig of Ram. I still max the CPU in

    Mike Otte
    Mike Otte, Aug 19, 2003
  4. Hi,
    You will *always* max a single CPU regardless of its nominal speed (you basically stall the
    box until MicroStation goes back again to idle waiting for user input, and this will happen
    even if you can envisage a 10 GHz CPU).

    OTOH dual CPU will leave at least 40% of juice for other tasks during the entire process.
    Again, regardless of its CPU speed.

    In other words this is a matter of balancing of the relative CPU load, as opposed to utilizing
    the CPU speed per se.

    /Chris Z.
    Chris Zakrewsky, Aug 19, 2003
  5. Thanks guys.

    I have established that additional RAM will help rendering, but I prefer
    hidden line drawings, so its back to e-bay for more another cpu
    and some water cooling.

    Anthony and Kirsty, Aug 19, 2003
  6. Anthony and Kirsty

    Whakatifnio Guest

    Having just upgraded, here's what I was told-

    CPU speed alone won't guarantee fastest operation; you also need the
    front side bus (apparently 800 MHz) Also, consider getting Dual
    DDR memory with a motherboard to support it; then 8x AGP & 128/256 MB
    Video Card to access that; then there's Intel Hyperthreading but
    buggered if I know if that's any advantage.........
    Whakatifnio, Aug 20, 2003
  7. Raw power I understand- I was just making sure I was loading up the machine
    in the correct direction.

    I like the info on the banded rendering. We do render in bands, but the
    input of numbers of bands, and memory allocation was arbitrary
    until now.

    And to clarify

    I actually meant "hidden line removal" not rendering (although we do both)


    Anthony Cox
    Anthony and Kirsty, Aug 22, 2003
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