Reducing Admin Image Size

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GTVic, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. GTVic

    GTVic Guest

    I would like to reduce the size of the install. Since it is customized for our organization I am hoping there is a valid way to do this. I am hoping to fit all of our SW onto one CD and right now AutoCAD takes up too much room.

    Testing with Winzip I found that just compressing the Program Files folder alone would save 131MB out of the 375MB.

    So I'm wondering if I compressed each file under that folder like the old windows installs where you had files like acadapp.dl_. Maybe the windows installer would automatically recognize the files as compressed and decompress them. This would solve the problem.

    Does anyone know if this would work or perhaps have other ideas for saving space?

    I've found that I can remove all the unused eula RTFs but that doesn't save much.

    GTVic, Mar 30, 2005
  2. GTVic

    TravisNave Guest

    The Windows NTFS file system contains an option to compress files and folders on the hard drive. Just right-click and go to the Properties of the file/folder you want to compress. On the General Tab, click the Advanced button. Check the box that reads, "Compress contents to save disk space."

    In this way, Windows will compress the files on the disk, but still make them available uncompressed to the application. Should work out for you. Good luck!
    TravisNave, Apr 4, 2005
  3. GTVic

    TravisNave Guest

    In addition, I would also consider investing in a DVD-R instead of using CD-Rs. Dual Layer DVD writers are now affordable and under $99. The media is also nearing the price of CD-Rs if you purchase them in bulk. I can buy a 100 spindle of DVD-Rs for under $30. And eventually Dual Layer DVD-9 discs will be affordable.

    700MB vs. 4.7GB... speaks for itself. Do yourself the favor.
    TravisNave, Apr 4, 2005
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