reduce priority of simulation precess (spectre/verilog)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tritue, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. tritue

    tritue Guest

    How can I set the default priority of the spectre/verilog process
    automatically ?
    We have to run renice every time the simulation start to reduce the priority
    of the spectre process. Is there an easier way to do it??
    tritue, Jan 28, 2005
  2. This can be done with a cdsenv setting:

    spectre.init processPriority int 0

    or the SKILL function:

    envSetVal("spectre.init" "processPriority" 'int 0)

    The number has to be between 0 and 20 - I think 20 is the "nicest" (i.e.
    lowest priority), but I can't remember for certain. Look up ipcSetPriority()
    in the documentation for more details.

    Note, the above will only have an effect before you start an ADE session (I

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 1, 2005
  3. tritue

    tritue Guest

    Thank you

    tritue, Feb 1, 2005
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