"rectangular space" in layout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by el, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. el

    el Guest

    Hi all,
    Someone used some way to draw a lot of "rectangular spaces" in paper space.
    I think his/her purpose was to cover the entities beneath text so that
    people could read the text. Those "spaces" are inside a viewport, so they
    actually covered parts of the plan shown by this viewport. As text are
    removed, I want to show back the parts that was hidden by those "spaces".
    Could anyone help me to remove those "spaces"?
    As I couldn't select them, I have no idea of what they are. Your
    step-by-step instructions may be necessary.

    el, Mar 16, 2005
  2. el

    twlincoln Guest

    Not knowing which release of AutoCAD you are using (or which it was created with)... Hopefully you have Express Tools.

    See if you have any layers turned off or frozen...

    Try typing in TFRAMES (As I assume they are WIPEOUTS)
    Try typing in TEXTUNMASK and select the MTEXT (Assuming they might be TEXTMASKs)
    twlincoln, Mar 16, 2005
  3. el

    el Guest

    Thanks Tracy. TFRAMES is the magic command that I needed.
    Thanks again.
    created with)... Hopefully you have Express Tools.
    el, Mar 16, 2005
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