Rectangles Trailing Mouse in Virtuoso/Exceed

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by gennari, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. gennari

    gennari Guest

    I run Cadence Virtuoso on my Windows PC using SSH and Exceed. When I move
    the mouse in the cellview window I get a trail of tiny black boxes that
    follow the mouse (like I'm using the spraypaint can in a drawing program),
    and I have to redraw the layout frequently to get rid of them. The thing is,
    this effect depends on the computer I'm using. I get black boxes on my
    computer, yellow boxes on my co-worker's computer, and no boxes on some
    other computers. Several people at my office in UC Berkeley have this
    problem. All computers have the same install of Windows 2000, the same
    versions of Exceed, and as far as I can tell the same Exceed settings, and
    I'm always SSHing to the same Solaris machine to run Cadence. I don't know
    if the problem is with Cadence, SSH, Exceed, or Windows. Does anyone know
    how to remove these annoying little boxes?


    gennari, Dec 6, 2003
  2. gennari

    B Guest

    Sorry for the quick answer, but google the archive. most likely your
    exceed is not config correctly.
    B, Dec 6, 2003
  3. this is related to Exceed's configuration.
    an answer to this problem was posted
    on this newsgroup already, i cannot
    rembember right now but you should
    be able to find it on google groups.


    Stéphane Badel, Dec 7, 2003
  4. gennari

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Do the following to remove the annoying cursor traces on a Cadence
    cell view when using Exceed:

    Under Xconfig -> Performance

    1. Enable Save Unders
    2. Enable Change Maximum Backing Store to Always
    3. Alter Default Backing Store to When Mapped
    4. Alter Minimum Backing Store to When Mapped

    You have to exit Exceed for the changes to take effect.
    Erik Wanta, Dec 7, 2003
  5. gennari

    gennari Guest

    Thank you Erik. I don't exactly know what those settings do, but the changes
    you suggested fixed the problem. I will have to forward this solution to the
    other Cadence users in my group.

    gennari, Dec 8, 2003
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