Recovering spectre simulations

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Hristo Brachkov, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. Hello, I have the following question:

    Sometimes we are running long PSS, PNOISE and TRAN simulations. Of course
    sometimes Cadence or the connection to the server crashes and all
    simulations results are lost.

    Could anybody tell me if there is a way to set the things so that after an
    interruption of the simulations one would be able to restart the simulations
    from the "crash point" ?

    Hristo Brachkov, Dec 11, 2003
  2. Hristo Brachkov

    Partha Guest

    If you have an idea of where its crashing, you could save the states
    at periodic intervals and restart from the save state. I use this
    save-restart SST feature of High Q oscillator, which might otherwise
    have convergence problems.
    Partha, Dec 13, 2003
  3. Partha, could you tell me how exactly you are doing it?
    Hristo Brachkov, Dec 14, 2003
  4. Hristo Brachkov

    Partha Guest

    I have used this feature in Oscillator(driven) circuits. readpss and
    writepss are options for the steady state analysis to save the results
    of PSS so one may not have to rerun tha analysis or for further
    PAC/Pnoise analysis.
    High Q factor oscillator sometimes do not converge, so i resort to
    incrementally saving the PSS states increasing the Q and rerunning it
    again with the saved state.

    But, I am pretty confident this cannot be used for recovering from
    crashed simulations.:-(

    If you are using versions 4.4.5 or lower, i know that spectre had an
    "issue" with the 2Gb swap file limit. But in future versions this was
    fixed by generating a series of files as soon as the limit was

    Partha, Dec 15, 2003
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