recover from an assemlby

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by billyb, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. billyb

    billyb Guest

    I have an assembly which shows various part that are not resolved.
    Some of the part files I have lost due to a computer crash.
    When the assembly starts to come up, it says it cannot find these
    part, would I like to find them myself. Well they are gone, or maybe
    Is there anyway of getting the part back? It shows in the assembly
    (lightweight feather), but I cannot resolve. IS THE INFO FOR THE PART

    Thanks for any help
    billyb, Nov 8, 2007
  2. billyb

    Anna Wood Guest

    Unless you have kept back-ups of your files that is on a different
    hard drive/computer/DVD/CD/Tape then your computer that crashed and
    sounds like it had its hard drive re-formatted you are out of luck.

    You will need to re-create your missing files from scratch.

    You may also want to look into improving your system of back-ups and
    maybe get some network storage with back-ups. Far less expensive then
    having to re-create an assembly when things go bad.


    Anna Wood
    Anna Wood, Nov 9, 2007
  3. billyb

    Cliff Guest

    Might not have been reformatted with the /U option?

    A search for disk recovery services or software might be productive.
    Til then I'd do nothing on that machine AND I'd try any recovery
    *on another machine entirely* with that disk added to it as
    a non-primary drive.
    Cliff, Nov 9, 2007
  4. billyb

    wc Guest

    You might check the backup/recover location inside SWX, see if there any
    older versions of the missing parts stashed away on your HD. The folder
    locations are under Options...>System Options>Backup/Recover.

    wc, Nov 9, 2007
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