Rebuilding Libraries

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by BDoherty, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. BDoherty

    BDoherty Guest

    I am trying to compile and simulate a verilog based design in a Unix
    environment. I had previously run the same code under Windows and it
    works there.

    When I run ncvlog / ncelab / ncsim, it seems to behave as expected
    (i.e., some typical warnings but no errors). However, when I use
    signalscan to view the results, it shows that my clock signal is
    present on the input side of the buffer but not on the output side. I
    also find that a previous design using the same unisims library
    behaves in the same manner.

    It would seem that there is a problem with the primitives in my
    current library. I've tried to recreate the library with only some

    Can you tell me what steps are required to do this correctly?

    Thanks in advance.
    BDoherty, Nov 24, 2003
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