rebuild/macro question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, May 7, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I have written a macro that queries a couple of sketches within an assembly
    for coordinates and a couple angles. The equations folder has a
    degenerating dimension ( d1@[email protected]). After getting the
    initial information I force regen the part from within the macro and loop
    through many times.
    I tried driving the degenerative equation by smaller increments ( ie
    ..001 ) to get a higher resolution result set, but at about the 289th forced
    regen, values quit changing. Editing the equations results in an incorrect
    syntax message ( although syntax is in fact correct ). The only way to
    recover the useability of the equations is save and exit sw, then restart
    I have worked around the issue by breaking the area up into smaller
    segments and working each individually, but its a pain to do so.
    My question is this. Is it something within SWx limiting the number of
    forced regens or is it perhaps a limitation of VBA that I am running into?

    Brian Hokanson
    Starting Line Products
    743 Iona Road
    Idaho Falls,ID 83401
    fx 529-9000
    Brian, May 7, 2005
  2. Brian

    TOP Guest

    It would seem that you are constantly making d1 smaller. At some point
    you have to have a condition that will stop the iteration when it gets
    too small. SW has a limit as to how small a dimension can be. SW also
    has limits regarding automatic relation tolerances.

    See ship in a bottle for how to control dimensions to keep them from
    getting too small, too large or within a certain range.
    TOP, May 8, 2005
  3. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Its not that d1 becomes invalid at some point. With the step distance
    set to .01" it sucessfully traverses the full range of motion in 250 steps.
    I can also traverse full distance at .001" steps provided that I do it in
    smaller sessions that do not exceed 280ish rebuilds.

    From + 2.5" to 0.0" can be done in one session of 250 steps with a step
    distance of .01" sucessfully. But to do .001" steps, I have to traverse
    from 2.5" to 2.25" by .001" increments. Exit SW completely. Do 2.25" to
    2", exit SW. ect.

    Somewhere there is a limit that I am running into. Maybe a limitation
    of a character buffer or something. Just not sure if its a SW one or VBA
    Brian, May 8, 2005
  4. Brian

    Brian Guest

    SP3 to sw2005 seems to have fixed the issue although I saw nothing in
    the fixed sprs concerning macro/equation funtionality.
    Brian, May 10, 2005
  5. Brian

    Aussie Guest

    Wouldn't know if this was a SW limitation (would suprise me - most of my
    models would get rebuild heaps more that 289 times before I am done) or a
    VBA limitation (how could it be?)... BUT...

    If you are running a macro anyway, why don't you just look for the
    dimensions with name "d1@sketch1" and increment it as a part of your loop?

    Can I ask what you are trying to achieve?
    Aussie, May 11, 2005
  6. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Not a programmer and could not figure out how to increment from within
    Was doing stuff with SWx for which it was not intended, sorry I can't
    I have re-used the macro several times and it works fine on 2005 sp3 (
    work pc). Originally I wrote it and tried to used it on my home PC (2005
    sp2). I only have the issue at home. This weekend I'll apply sp3 at home
    and see if that fixes it there also.
    Brian, May 11, 2005
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