Reappearing hidden bodies during rollback or feature edit.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. All, (I sent this to support recently) (SW2003 sp3)

    Re: Reappearing hidden bodies, surface or solid, during rollback or
    feature edit, how can this be fixed?

    This has been a on going problem, where hidden bodies, surface or solid,
    reappear during a rollback or feature edit.
    How can the user "keep the body always hidden"?

    I can keep hiding them everytime they reappear but that does nothing.

    The only "crude" solution I can find is too "delete the body"

    When and Will this be fixed!!!???

    If you all can, please put in a request to fix this.. please?

    Paul Salvador, Apr 8, 2004
  2. oops,.. that should be SW2004 sp3!!

    Paul Salvador, Apr 8, 2004
  3. Paul Salvador

    Andrew Troup Guest

    You undoubtedly already know this, and you don't like it, but for the sake
    of others:

    The body stays hidden at any places in the tree where you hid the body while
    it was rolled back.
    IN THEORY you can "solve" the visibility problem by rolling back
    successively to each feature added to that body, and hiding it at each
    IN PRACTICE this is not feasible except in very simple cases.

    I can't think of any good reasons why it should behave like this, or why
    they can't at least add a 'global' over-ride.
    Andrew Troup, Apr 8, 2004
  4. Andrew, what you are suggesting does not work in the problems I'm

    This is a bug.

    But, yeah, if there was a override, because they can't fix the bug, that
    would be welcome (Work-around-Works)!


    Nevermind,.. we need trees for PW2!?

    Paul Salvador, Apr 8, 2004
  5. Paul Salvador

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Oh darn

    Andrew Troup, Apr 9, 2004
  6. Paul Salvador

    TheTick Guest

    I think I have a handle on how the surface hiding works...

    The hide status applies only to the body as it is named in the feature
    manager tree. When a feature such as a trim or fillet is added, the
    hide status is reset.
    TheTick, Apr 9, 2004
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