realview shader is disabled in sw2006

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gil Alsberg, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    just installed sw2006 and for some reason the realview shader is disabled
    (grayed), and cant be activated. so I checked the material properties, and
    under edit material/visual properties/advanced graphics the realview option
    is grayed out and the standard option is selected so I double clicked the
    standard option and it deselects itself and then the grayed RealView is
    selected (while it is still gray!). now if I press o.k., the object doesn't
    shade and the golden RealView globe icon is still grayed-out and
    unselectable. so I thought maybe is something wrong with my GC specs, and
    went to the solidworks GC table under NVIDIA and checked my model (Quadro
    FX700) and driver version (77.18) and it is also o.k.. so as a last resort,
    I run solidworks RX which stated that everything with my system (windows xp
    sp2, Pentium IV 2.6GHz) is fine. what the hell is going on here?

    thanks for any insight,
    Gil Alsberg
    Gil Alsberg, Sep 9, 2005
  2. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Thanks Dale, I installed the shaders and now it works fine!
    Gil Alsberg, Sep 10, 2005
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