I investigated on how to define custom RealView materials (rubis, sapphire and other jewelry stuff as well as some watchmakers surface finish processes) For each material, there is a .dll in the ./shaders subdir of SW installation. Apparently, the .dll combines 2 competing "shaders" technologies: -NVidia's, based on the Cg (C for graphics) language. (source code in the ../shaders/cg subdir) -OpenGl 2, based on another language (.frag and .vert source code in the ../shaders/gl2 subdir) Compilers and other tools are available on the net for both technologies. Both technologies uses textures defined in the .dds format. You can find tools on [URL]http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html[/URL] to read/write those files in PhotoShop or PainShop Pro. Useful ? Anyone ready to pay for custom RealView materials ?