Realtime Silkscreen on Parts help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest


    I routinely need to add quite a bit of text onto parts to simulate the
    silkscreen. I need these to be visible all of the time not just when
    rendering so can't use a decal. The artwork files are originally created in
    Coreldraw, and I can't recreate it in solidworks. I tried converted the
    original coreldraw file to an autocad dwg, but the text is all outlines, so
    I hatch that and import in. the problem is, that it is very sloooow to
    import and manipulate, understandably I guess, though solidworks importing
    ability seems a little flakey IMHO.
    Next I stumbled upon the insert/sketch/picture which works great, and is
    dead quick, however... and this is my question......

    The picture ALWAYS appears on top of all of the features, regardless of
    where it sits in the tree. This means for instance, any holes get covered
    etc. I want to check for any clashing text etc, but can't see an easy way to
    do this.

    Is it possible to have transparent areas on sketch pictures? Is there a
    better way?

    thanks for the help

    Paul, Feb 9, 2005
  2. Paul

    Muggs Guest

    Well, I have no help for you save to say, BOY-O-BOY are you going to be
    happy with SW2006!

    Muggs, Feb 9, 2005
  3. Paul

    kmaren24 Guest

    I guess as a work around for the transparent holes you could add
    "posts" though the holes as seperate bodies and suppress and resolve
    those bodies as needed.

    kmaren24, Feb 9, 2005
  4. Paul

    Sygenics Guest

    Oh man, you can't leave it like that! don't be dangling those
    carrots.. why exactly?, what new features are added?

    Sygenics, Feb 11, 2005
  5. Paul

    Muggs Guest

    At SWW (SolidWorks World) they showed a little of what's comming in SW2006,
    and one of the things is the ability to drag bitmap images right onto the
    model faces, and the decal wraps right to the surface acrross holes and all,
    it's very cool.

    Read a great writeup of SWW by Wayne Tifany here: World 2005.pdf

    Muggs, Feb 11, 2005
  6. Paul

    Muggs Guest

    At SWW they just drug it into the graphics area onto the face of a drill.

    Muggs, Feb 11, 2005
  7. Paul

    Sygenics Guest

    cool thanks, that sounds very nice.
    Better keep up the maintenance payments ;-)
    Sygenics, Feb 13, 2005
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