reading SST2

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by danmc, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. danmc

    danmc Guest

    Is there any library I can link to from a C program which provides the
    capability to read SST2 simulation results?

    One of my biggest complaints over the years about spectre is that it
    is a pain to interface in house post simulation analysis tools to
    spectre. I'd like to take advantage of the newer format but if I have
    no way to access the results, I can't.

    To completely re-implement the post simulation analysis tool in skill
    or matlab would be considerable work and probably run slower than a
    compiled tool.

    Using a document file format would be the best and would really help
    out many cadence customers, but a library one could link to that
    provided results access would be the 2nd best thing.

    It seems that even the old fall back 'psf' program is no longer an
    option with sst2.

    danmc, Jan 16, 2008
  2. danmc

    sudheer Guest

    i think if u go to Waveform viewer and save as *.dat
    u can directly load the file in matlab and view it
    sudheer, Jan 18, 2008
  3. danmc

    danmc Guest

    but I need to access many many many waveforms. Far too many to plot
    them each time in a waveform viewer.
    danmc, Jan 18, 2008
  4. danmc

    andrewb Guest

    There is a "spectre" toobox for matlab since MMSIM61. It's in

    It's covered in the SpectreRF Theory manual (chapter 1, I think).

    Also, in MMSIM62, in
    there are a couple of Matlab related app notes.


    andrewb, Feb 6, 2008
  5. danmc

    agnonchik Guest


    Check if the Ultrasim Waveform Interface (UWI) is documented.

    If it is, you could write your own writer for tran analysis results
    using UWI.
    For that you should provide Spectre simulator with a shared library
    plugin and specify "-format uwi -uwilib your_so_lib" in the command
    agnonchik, Feb 12, 2008
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