Reading and writing older versions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jss87, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. Sean,

    What they have no control over (or very little) is Parasolid. Parasolid
    isn't backward compatible, and every new release of SW uses a newer version
    than the previous.

    Shape Data gives them compiled libraries, not source code.

    Mark Mossberg, Aug 11, 2005
  2. John,

    Oooooooooooooo,,,,, it's a conspiracy... gimme a break.

    I haven't called anyone ignorant, all I've asked you to do is really think
    about it. Another example. SW has changed it's surfacing algorithms in every
    releas since 2001+. I have several product models that were done in 2001+
    that I can't even bring "FORWARD". Why ? because the surfaces change shape,
    some have failed features asa result, and "ALL" of them no longer match the
    very expensive production injection molds.

    Can you imagine trying to go backwards to a version that didn't support
    things like local curvature and tangency control. The resulting mess would
    be usless.

    I have a feeling that maybe you just do prismatic mechanical stuff. Nothing
    wrong with that, but it doesn't give you a very good view of the larger


    Mark Mossberg, Aug 11, 2005
  3. jss87

    matt Guest

    I think this reaction is kind of severe. It's true that no one likes
    half baked features, I'm the first to jump on that wagon too, but the
    translation issue has never been a 100% success. IGES has been half
    baked for a long, long time, but people still use it even though there
    are better alternatives. The ProE translator is far from perfect too,
    but if I have to rebuild a ProE part, I'd rather start with maybe 80% of
    the sketches than nothing.

    I suppose if you're so down on things that don't work perfectly, you've
    never used FeatureWorks. FeatureWorks can strip out the features it can
    recognize and leave the rest as a solid imported blob with parametric
    features around it. I'm not suggesting that anyone should use FW to
    translate new SW files, but I don't see why it wouldn't be technically
    feasible for a program that looks at the instructions to make the
    features to recreate them rather than looking at the geometry itself,
    and use the parasolid data for features that don't exist in the older
    version. You'd wind up with a blob that represents the shape feature,
    and paremetrics for other things that existed in that version.


    Link is still active after a couple years. The help file is in Russian,
    which, maybe I'm wrong about this, but isn't really helpful. Anyway,
    Barenboym started the project and seems to have dropped it for some
    reason. I know we traded a couple of emails, and the intention was to
    go forward with more feature types. This version I think did extrudes,
    revolves and simple fillets.

    Technically difficult? Probably. Impossible? No.
    Financially feasible? Probably not.

    Financially for SW it would be a big loser because obviously fewer
    people upgrade if they're not forced. I don't believe SW will ever
    provide this. A 3rd party provider like Barenboym would be the folks
    who would have to do it.

    There's no way of knowing, but someone might have exerted some pressure
    to stop that project too... You can get to Framingham from Concord in
    about 30 minutes.

    I don't think it will ever become a reality, but I think it's definitely

    matt, Aug 11, 2005
  4. jss87

    MM Guest


    Aren't you looking at it backwards ??

    SW version based on PS14 shouldn't be expected to read a SW file based on

    MM, Aug 11, 2005
  5. jss87

    TOP Guest

    I think it was promised at SWW two years ago. If SW does it first just
    think what it will do to Inventor with all those giveaway seats in
    TOP, Aug 12, 2005
  6. jss87

    Cliff Guest

    Save as an older version of ParaSolid & then open it
    up in an older version of SW & see ....

    You just translated to the older SW version, right?
    Cliff, Aug 12, 2005
  7. I just ran a test using the ExchangeWorks v.1.4 conversion utility that
    Baren-Boym was developing. I re-confirmed my earlier findings that even the
    simplest geometry doesn't convert accurately.

    I modeled a simple 1.0" diameter cylinder and saved it as a 3XF format file
    using ExchangeWorks. I then imported the 3XF file back into SolidWorks
    using ExchangeWorks. A quick examination of the dimensions showed that the
    diameter had been changed to 0.99999995". Not a significant difference, but
    certainly nothing to ignore.

    Autodesk attempted to address this type of issue with their "proxy object"
    approach. It would be kind to say it doesn't work very well.

    While backwards translation would help me in some cases, I want it to be
    robust, and allow for round-tripping without data loss. What many users
    have suggested in this post would alter the file to such an extent that
    design intent and future editing would be negatively compromised.

    John Picinich, Aug 15, 2005
  8. jss87

    HumanAmp Guest

    Interesting Topic - personally I'm with the 'dumb' customers !
    The solidworks 'apologists' are probably the same folk who say - 'hey
    .... its real hard for (poor) software co's to fully debug their
    software before releasing it - give them a break'. .... give ME a break

    As a engineer/designer i am continuously being challenged to make
    improvements for end users - and thats what I try and do, willingly and
    generally with success.

    The thing about this issue is its a 'double whammy' .... some form of
    backward compatibility would not only would it allow sharing with
    others who have not upgraded at precisely the same time, ..............
    BUT ALSO, would neatly side-step the problem of flacky early release
    new versions - with as 'save as' previous version these REAL problems
    we have to work around are ... history.
    HumanAmp, Aug 16, 2005
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