Read the contents of a library

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bedoune, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. bedoune

    bedoune Guest


    i would like to know how to read the content of a library (with Skill
    of course ^^ ). Actually, i know the name of the Lib and its path, but
    that's all ...

    so i would like to make a skill which will return me:
    -how many cells
    -the cells name

    But i don't know how to.

    May someone helps me please ?


    bedoune, Feb 18, 2008
  2. bedoune

    bedoune Guest

    oups ...

    CellList = ddGetObj("foo")~>cells~>name.

    Please forget my previous email ^^


    bedoune, Feb 18, 2008
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