"read only" layout tabs?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MiD-AwE, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. MiD-AwE

    MiD-AwE Guest

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Is there any way to set a layout tab to be "read only" so that the model space can not be accessed from the tab etc.?

    I want to be able to view each layout yet be forced to edit in model space only, protecting all view ports from accidental changes.

    Thanks for any help!
    MiD-AwE, Dec 8, 2004
  2. MiD-AwE

    MiD-AwE Guest

    BTW I already set all view ports to locked. I still want to dummy proof this, if it's practical and not too much code involved. It's simply not worth slowing the system down for such a minor privilege.

    MiD-AwE, Dec 8, 2004
  3. MiD-AwE

    RDI Guest

    Set the viewport to locked. Put the viewport on a layer called "Viewports"
    (so that you can isolate them) and LOCK the VIEWPORTS layer. That SHOULD do
    it (although someone can unlock the layer.

    You probably could create a reactor to LOCK the VIEWPORTS layer anytime
    someone unlocks it--just make sure to put up some kind of warning that
    they're not permitted to unlock the layer--maybe even use some kind of
    rudimentary password system so that certain people CAN unlock the layer when
    needed. I have never created a reactor yet--so I can't help there.

    this, if it's practical and not too much code involved. It's simply not
    worth slowing the system down for such a minor privilege.
    RDI, Dec 8, 2004
  4. MiD-AwE

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    slowing down? minor? I do alot of my work in MS through the PS viewports. I
    can't imagine anyone taking away this powerful tool. As suggested, and you
    say you've already done, lock the viewports and be done with it. What
    happens when you create new layers that need to be seen in some VP's and not

    If you have users that unlock them and mess up the view, warn 'em once,
    terminate the second time. And, IMHO, if you have to "dummy proof" something
    like this you must have dummies working for/with you that really shouldn't
    be in this line of work in the first place.
    Jeff Mishler, Dec 8, 2004
  5. MiD-AwE

    John Uhden Guest

    Perhaps CADLOCK can do just that... http://www.cadlock.com

    can not be accessed from the tab etc.?
    only, protecting all view ports from accidental changes.
    John Uhden, Dec 9, 2004
  6. MiD-AwE

    MiD-AwE Guest

    Thanks for your perspective, but we are doing 2D drawings for swimming pools, which isn't rocket science. We finish our drawing in less than an hour and seldom ever reopen the file. On occasion a sales person will open the file or someone else. Few people in the company actually have CAD training because we are so customized that it really wouldn't help anyway. I am only looking to protect the work that we do.

    I wouldn't call them dummies, but they can be clumsy. Due to the volume of drawings that we deal with, it's just better to be safe than sorry. If this offends you then It's a good thing that you don't work with us.
    MiD-AwE, Dec 9, 2004
  7. Well put.

    pools, which isn't rocket science. We finish our drawing in less than an
    hour and seldom ever reopen the file. On occasion a sales person will open
    the file or someone else. Few people in the company actually have CAD
    training because we are so customized that it really wouldn't help anyway. I
    am only looking to protect the work that we do.
    of drawings that we deal with, it's just better to be safe than sorry. If
    this offends you then It's a good thing that you don't work with us.
    Dragon Serpent, Dec 9, 2004
  8. MiD-AwE

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    "....less than an hour and seldom ever reopen the file. .... I am only
    looking to protect the work that we do."
    In that case why not just print for a hard copy, create a dwf for "looking"
    at and backup & delete the dwg file and be done with it?

    " it's just better to be safe than sorry."
    Same as above....

    "If this offends you then It's a good thing that you don't work with us."
    It doesn't offend me, it just seems to me that you are trying to address a
    problem, that may, or may not, exist, in the wrong place. For instance, why
    use a $3k CAD package to do these types of drawings when there are much
    cheaper alternatives?

    Jeff <<<----Glad to be working without my hands tied behind my back..... ;-)
    Jeff Mishler, Dec 9, 2004
  9. MiD-AwE

    MiD-AwE Guest

    Out of the 2500+ pools we draw each year we maybe redraw, due to indecisive customers, etc., about 1%. This means that we will have to reopen the files and edit them. Also, we maintain our original ".dwg" files for warranty and remodel issues. We've been doing pools and spas since 1947. We use "a $3k CAD package to do these types of drawings" (since R10) for the power of customization, which is why I posted this question in the customization discussion group.

    Apparently (Jeff Mishler) failed to read the ground rules of this discussion group.

    "Ground Rules :
    1. Do not post messages that are inflammatory, nonconstructive, or at odds with the aims of the discussion groups."
    "Lead, follow, or at the least get out of the way!"
    MiD-AwE, Dec 10, 2004
  10. MiD-AwE

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Gee, If you think Jeff's post broke the Ground Rules, you might want to avoid anything I post.

    I think he was just pointing out that crippling a powerful feature of AutoCAD may not be desirable, and then he offered viable alternatives. Myself, I think it'd be easier all around if you just dropped the $99 bucks for VoloView.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 10, 2004
  11. MiD-AwE

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Dear MiD-AwE,
    How you took my contructive criticism as a failure to abide by the ground
    rules is beyond me. You asked for a solution that 99.9% of the users here
    would never want. You were given some alternatives. If you would do a search
    of this group for my name, you will find that I freely give of my time and
    help many others. If I fail to see the need for something I will usually
    just pass it by, or, as in your case, I may ask questions to better see
    where the poster is coming from.

    In light of this, here is a VBA solution that will ensure that the layer
    "Viewport" is locked after the issuance of a Layer command. In order for it
    to be of use, you must have the viewports' display locked, which you've
    already done. Create a VBA project, add this code to the ThisDrawing Module,
    and save as acad.dvb in your support folder. You may want to password
    protect it first to keep people from altering the code. Add a new text file
    to your support folder named acad.rx and place the following line in that
    new file: acadvba.arx Note, for R2004+ change that to acvba.arx (I think
    that's what it is, I only have 2002, check your documentation to be sure)

    Short of this solution, I don't see any other way to accomplish what you are

    Have a nice day.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub AcadDocument_EndCommand(ByVal CommandName As String)
    If UCase(CommandName) = "LAYER" And ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace
    Dim lay As AcadLayer
    On Error Resume Next
    Set lay = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item("Viewport")'Change this to whatever
    layer you place your VP's on
    If lay Then
    lay.Lock = True
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Jeff Mishler, Dec 10, 2004
  12. MiD-AwE

    MiD-AwE Guest

    Wow, thanks. I guess I had you all wrong. I mistook you for one of those hagglers I find in many other discussion groups. Please accept my apologies. And, now that I'm going to try and stay an active member of this group, maybe I'll be able to return the favor.

    have a nice day to you as well.
    MiD-AwE, Dec 13, 2004
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