Read-only access

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Fought through a problem yesterday only to discover it was caused by a SW
    setting, so I thought I would share that info here.

    User had locked an assy and all its files in our PDM system, so he then had
    write rights (I love using those 2 words together...). Then he opened the
    assy in SW and found that while the assy was just fine, all of the parts in
    it were read-only, even though he had locked them. This was confirmed by
    looking at the read-only bit on the files - no bits set to read-only. We
    went through all the usual stuff and finally found a SW setting that was
    causing it. System Options/External References/Open referenced documents
    with read-only access. Somehow that one got turned on and was doing just
    what it says it will do. How it got turned on, we don't know - the user
    said he didn't do it, and I believe him. I also checked and it's not turned
    on in my master settings file. Strange indeed!

    Maybe this will save someone else some time & grief.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 12, 2006
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    TOP Guest

    My PDM system automagically checks this box as well as Don't Prompt to
    Save ReadOnly. Especially if you are working in a common area you need
    these on. You also need it on as part of what you do to stay out of
    Read Only Hell.

    SW gives ample feedback on the status of a file. If you have
    collaboration turned on you should be able to deal with this easily by
    using FILE/Get Write Access.
    TOP, Sep 12, 2006
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