
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by perry, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. perry

    perry Guest

    Is there anyway to set or manipulate reactors through VB?
    I need to know if certain objects are deleted or modified and see no
    reference to this anywhere.
    If its not possible then that would render VB useless for a number
    of applications.
    perry, Apr 14, 2004
  2. perry

    Ed Jobe Guest

    In vb, they are called Events, not reactors. All dwg objects have a Modified
    event. Look in the Developer guide under the Modified event or under a
    particular object's properties/events.
    Ed Jobe, Apr 14, 2004
  3. perry

    perry Guest

    O duh!
    Well folks, another shining example of blurting out a question before
    attempting any cognizant thought at all.
    /me takes a bow
    perry, Apr 14, 2004
  4. perry

    Ed Jobe Guest

    You're certainly not the first, and I doubt you'll be the last. :)
    Ed Jobe, Apr 14, 2004
  5. perry

    Ed Jobe Guest

    "(no VBA)" ? You sure? I do it everyday. You just have to be sure to declare
    your WithEvents vars in a class module.

    (example command Rectang), next pick buttom Seleccione Polilinea >>. Now run
    command STRETCH or MOVE and you see what happen
    Ed Jobe, Apr 16, 2004
  6. perry

    SpeedCAD Guest

    Hi Ed Jobe...

    Only I talk about an example in VB not in VBA. From VBA is the same...

    Un saludo de SpeedCAD... ;)
    SpeedCAD, Apr 16, 2004
  7. perry

    Ed Jobe Guest

    saludo tambien
    Ed Jobe, Apr 16, 2004
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