Reactors to fix add-ons

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Clarence, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Clarence

    Clarence Guest

    I don't know much about reactors, but I want to learn more about them. And I have a few questions to see if it would be beneficial or not. I'm running A2K5 and Land Desktop 2005.

    I'd like to create reactors to fix some of the imperfections of Land Desktop.

    1. Right now for drawing profiles, you can set the layer names in the default settings, but no other layer info. I want a reactor that will add color and linetypes to this.

    2. I'm also having problems with Sheet Manager. It draws some storm/sanitary sewers with the north arrow pointing south. In this situation I would want the reactor to flip the view and profile so that my north arrow always points from 0 to 180 degress.

    Are either possible? What are some good resources about reactors?

    I'm reading what I can find on the net and in the ACAD_DEV.CHM.

    Any comments/suggestions are more than welcome.
    Clarence, Apr 7, 2005
  2. Clarence....
    default settings, but no other layer info. I want a reactor that will add
    color and linetypes to this.
    storm/sanitary sewers with the north arrow pointing south. In this
    situation I would want the reactor to flip the view and profile so that my
    north arrow always points from 0 to 180 degress.
    There is nothing about reactors out there.... many of the open samples you
    may find them doing a google search.

    I think that might be good that someone could publish a book, panflet or
    whatever with real world samples for normal and object reactors.....

    What you are asking it is possible, the part for the SSM.... it is the hard

    Luis Esquivel, Apr 7, 2005
  3. Clarence

    Clarence Guest

    thanks Luis!

    I've been searching for sample after sample. I wish someone would write something about reactors too. I'd probably ask for their autograph with all the grief I'm experiencing trying to decipher potentially worthless code just to find something that MIGHT be useful!

    yeah I think the SSM will be far from easy. So I'm going to focus on the easier one first.

    I'd like to modify some code I found on this ng to create my layer altering reactor. (i'd like to thank Vince for posting this. I hope you don't mind that I am borrowing it for a foundation for my command reactor.) Could someone help me tweak this?

    I have a slight understanding of the code, but don't know where to begin with callbacks. Help me?!

    Re: Explode Reactor
    I use this simple reactor to notify users when they activate the "Explode" command.


    (or DexplodeReactor (setq DexplodeReactor (VLR-Command-Reactor nil '(:)VLR-commandWillStart . VinceEd::CommandWillStart)))))

    (defun VinceEd::CommandWillStart (pReactor sCommandName / )
    (if (= (car sCommandName) "EXPLODE")

    (ALERT ".....You Have Activated The Explode Command.........Please Do Not Explode ATTRIBUTES, DIMENSIONS or HATCHES With This Option.....
    ...........Thank You For Your Cooperation..........!!!")


    Just load the file on startup and it should work OK.


    reminder of my goal for this reactor:
    i want to replace the explode command with the command that will draw the profiles in LDT. In the callback I want to somehow get it to change the color and linetypes of the LDT created Layers.
    Clarence, Apr 7, 2005
  4. I wish I have Land Desktop... and time to play with it.....

    profiles in LDT. In the callback I want to somehow get it to change the
    color and linetypes of the LDT created Layers.
    Luis Esquivel, Apr 7, 2005
  5. Clarence

    Clarence Guest

    wait for 2006.......and i'm not playing with it....i'm customizing standards! :)

    we're already creating a vba program to do my layer changes using layer states files. I am simply researching alternatives.

    thanks for your assistance. time for me to read. and read some more.
    Clarence, Apr 7, 2005
  6. Clarence

    Clarence Guest

    and thanks for all of your previous posts about reactors, Luis. I will try to refer to them first before coming back here.

    i need to remember to search first and then post if I can't find anything.
    Clarence, Apr 7, 2005
  7. Clarence

    Clarence Guest

    Clarence, Apr 8, 2005
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