Reactors and Layers?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. Hello to everyone in this NG!

    Do anybody know (I'm sure you DO know!) do we can make reactors
    notifying the changes in Drawing Layers?

    I want to catch the following events:
    1. Creating a new Layer
    2. Deleting of an existing Layer
    3. Renaming of an existing Layer

    The changes of "CLAYER" I think I can catch with VLR-SysVar-reactor.

    So I made 4 ObjectReactors: two :)VLR-Modified & :VLR-Erased) for the entire
    Drawing's Layer Object and two for Drawing's particular Layers (in the

    And what??? :-(

    I get some result only when I create a new Layer
    (the 'Modified'-event triggers for the entire Layer Object)!
    And when I delete or rename one AutoCAD seems to sleep calmly...

    Do I can use the Object Reactor for Layers? And how have I to do this?

    What do you think about that?

    Thank you all and sorry for my english...
    Alexander V. Koshman

    My codes:
    ;; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    (defun lrs-modified (owner reactor ed_list)
    (alert "Layer Table: Modified!")
    ) ; - 'defun'

    (defun lrs-erased (owner reactor ed_list)
    (alert "Layer Table: Erased!")
    ) ; - 'defun'

    (defun lr-modified (owner reactor ed_list)
    (alert "Layer Table Entries: Modified!")
    ) ; - 'defun'

    (defun lr-erased (owner reactor ed_list)
    (alert "Layer Table Entries: Erased!")
    ) ; - 'defun'
    ;; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    (setq acad (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acad))
    (setq axLayers (vla-get-Layers doc))

    (setq lrs-rr-list (list axLayers))
    (vlax-for for-item axLayers
    (setq lr-rr-list (append lr-rr-list (list for-item)))
    ) ; - 'vlax-for'

    (if (not lrs-Modified-rr)
    (setq lrs-Modified-rr (VLR-Object-reactor lrs-rr-list nil
    '(:)VLR-Modified . lrs-modified))))
    (setq lrs-Erased-rr (VLR-Object-reactor lrs-rr-list nil
    '(:)VLR-Erased . lrs-erased))))
    (setq lr-Modified-rr (VLR-Object-reactor lr-rr-list nil
    '(:)VLR-Modified . lr-modified))))
    (setq lr-Erased-rr (VLR-Object-reactor lr-rr-list nil
    '(:)VLR-Erased . lr-erased))))
    ) ; - 'progn'
    ) ; - 'if'
    ;; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 28, 2005
  2. Oh!
    I'm sorry...
    Excuse me AutoCAD... : (

    I tried to erase and rename Layers which
    were created AFTER reactor was set!

    Thank you anyway for I can formulate my problem
    and have another chance to think about

    WHAT I DO !!! : )

    People! Let's be watchful & attentive!
    Alexander V. Koshman, Jan 28, 2005
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