reactor help!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by deger, Jul 8, 2003.

  1. deger

    deger Guest

    who can help me!
    I want design a reactor which is linked with the attrib of block. the
    block will changed when his attrib is modified by DDATTE or ATTedit.
    how will i do?

    deger, Jul 8, 2003
  2. deger

    Tom Berger Guest

    You'll need two different reactors: an object reactor to control
    modification of the ATTRIB entity, and an editor reactor to control
    the commands.

    The object reactor should fire only when the ATTRIB entity has been
    modified. The reaction function will simply add the ATTRIB's entity
    name to a list in a global variable.

    The editor reactor makes use of two reaction functions. One will be
    fired upon begincommand, it will simply set the global variable to
    NIL. The second will be fired upon commandended, and it looks for the
    command name which just has ended. In case that it one of your
    controled commands the function will look for the global variable and
    modify all blocks of the modified ATTRIB entities.

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Jul 8, 2003
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