Reaction/comments on free product configurator shareware

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JJ, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. JJ

    JJ Guest


    Recently I posted a topic about my free shareware version of my program
    to create a product configurator without any API knowledge.

    I am very interested in your experiences/comments/reactions. Please
    post them or send them in an email to jjzwaard at studiozwaard dot nl.

    Thanks in advance for your reactions.

    Kind regards,

    JJ, Nov 29, 2005
  2. JJ

    Thijs Guest

    After trying the shareware version of your program, i concluded that it
    is very easy to work with, and that it opens options for those people
    without much knowledge of SolidWorks. After making the base models,
    pretty much anyone can generate a model with the desired dimensions.
    Also I find that it makes a lot of ''boring'' jobs a lot easier like
    generating 2D drawings and adding configurations to models. This
    program opens up possibilities for those who want to generate models,
    with limited knowledge of the software.

    Thijs Haverkamp
    , a future customer.
    Thijs, Dec 9, 2005
  3. It works and it's very easy to learn. I think it's better than
    DriveWorks in couple areas.



    Markku Lehtola
    Markku Lehtola, Dec 9, 2005
  4. JJ

    ianyat Guest

    So in what areas would that be?
    ianyat, Dec 10, 2005
  5. JJ

    JJ Guest

    In the next version, I want to allow users to use if-functions that
    determine the contents of comboboxes. Furthermore I'm working on
    previews of the files that is referenced to.

    I think the most powerfull function of this program is the interface.
    It give a clear overview of the different steps that have to be
    performed. Furthermore it's very easy to modify existing configurators.
    You can insert, delete or move steps. But ofcourse I'm not the person
    to give an objective reaction ;-)


    Jan Jurjen
    JJ, Dec 10, 2005
  6. UI is really nice, exactly what JJ says below. I also like the way it
    saves the work. Comparing to the DriveWorks Express, not to the big DW,
    which was (don't no the current situation) just too buggy to work with.
    And you have to remember that DW Express will propably always be Express
    - that is "limited". JJ's stuff is growing.



    Markku Lehtola
    Markku Lehtola, Dec 10, 2005
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