Re-ordering constraints

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Mike, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Is there any way to do this?
    Sometimes Pro likes to have the Align contraint first for reference

    I'd be nice to be able to re-order contraints
    to help with reference patterns.

    Using Wildfire 1 build M190.

    Mike, Apr 18, 2005
  2. Mike

    shaun Guest

    Click on the sketch pulldown menu from the top, then uncheck the intent
    manager, once you have done this you can now tell ProE the constraints
    you would like to use instead of ProE telling you. I don't how to
    reorder constraints I do know that if you don't use the intent manager
    you can place them in anyorder you like. As for me I like telling the
    computer what to do, I don't like it telling me what to do. Just my two
    cents on the topic.

    shaun, Apr 19, 2005
  3. Mike

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ... uncheck the intent manager ...

    Hi, Shaun.

    I think Mike is talking about component constraints (? I don't have an
    answer for that).

    I don't know if this is something you'd be interested in or not: Using the
    Intent Manager, as you are "rubber banding" around to create a curve
    entitiy; you can use SHIFT+RMB and CTRL+RMB to "lock-in" or "lock-out"
    previewed sketcher constraints. It's pretty handy as you can build some
    semi-complicated constraint sets on the fly.
    Jeff Howard, Apr 19, 2005
  4. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    Two things:
    * Redefine is as close as you'll come to reordering component constraints (minus
    minus minus delete the old constraints and create new ones with the align first.
    {BTW, since you know this constraint should go first and you have a pattern you're
    referencing, are you just having a brain fart and forgetting the ALIGN?});
    * Fix reference pattterns so they don't depend on you jumping through all these
    stupid hoops. (Hey, PTC, how about some intelligence and flexibility here, huh!?!
    Is this functionality ever converting to Desktop functionality where many
    functions are getting long awaited intelligence and urgently needed fixes?)
    * Develop some actual constraints management for sketcher and assembly (SW, Alibre
    have a global, centralized interface to constraints, why not Pro/e!?!)

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 20, 2005
  5. Mike

    Dave Adams Guest

    I don't know about reordering existing constraints, but a way to
    brute-force it is to re-create (in other words, add new duplicate)
    constraints in the order you want, then delete the older ones. If you
    have non-zero offsets this maintains them. Interestingly, you can't
    over-constrain in sketcher mode but you can overconstrain in assembly

    -Dave Adams-
    Dave Adams, Apr 22, 2005
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