Re Numbering command

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rodolfnose, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. rodolfnose

    rodolfnose Guest

    In reply to autodesk.autocad.2004 newsgroup
    ; Automatic Numbering - in some cases it does not work.
    (Defun C:NUM (/ S NT P)
    (Setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    S (GetDist "\nText Height? ")
    (If (= NF Nil) (Setq NF 1))
    (Setq NT NF)
    NF (GetInt
    "\nLast # used: "
    (ItoA (1- NF))
    ", enter starting #: <"
    (ItoA NF)
    "> "
    (If (= NF Nil) (Setq NF NT))
    P (GetPoint "\nPick point:")
    P (List (CAR P) (CADR P))
    ".TEXT" "M" P S "0" NF
    (Setq NF (1+ NF))
    (Setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
    rodolfnose, Jun 7, 2004
  2. rodolfnose

    ECCAD Guest

    That would depend on the font used ?
    Some fonts do not need height / rotation.
    ECCAD, Jun 7, 2004
  3. rodolfnose

    David Doane Guest

    Unless the text height in a Style is zero, the text command will not ask for
    a height. Therefore, when you input a height it will use it as the text
    angle. For general purpose use I usually put a test in before issuing the
    Text command, such as:

    (if (= (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" zsty))) 0)
    (command ".text" "s" zsty "m" pnt1 ztsz ang2 ztxt)
    (command ".text" "s" zsty "m" pnt1 ang2 ztxt)

    zsty = Style
    ztsz = Height
    ztxt = the text to be input.
    David Doane, Jun 8, 2004
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