re-evaluate monte carlo without running it again

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    wonder what the command is called that reevaluates the expressions set
    up with monteExpr() in order to re-evaluate the histograms for new
    functions without needing to re-run the monte carlo.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Sep 11, 2007
  2. You can do this from the Monte Carlo user interface, but there's no OCEAN
    equivalent. I filed an enhancement request asking for exactly this a while ago.

    If you want this, please file a service request so that a duplicate PCR can be
    created, adding to the demand for this.


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 16, 2007
  3. The CCR number for this is 418605.

    (BTW, Cadence has changed it's internal tracking system from our original
    "PCR" (Program Change Request) to a newer "CCR" (Cadence Change Request)
    system - and the new system has different numbers. So from now on in
    postings I'll refer to CCR numbers, as these are what are communicated via
    sourcelink and other avenues now).


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 16, 2007
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