Re - conflict between autocad and SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by rocheey, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. rocheey

    rocheey Guest

    If anybody has had similar experiences or can shed light onto the
    What version of AutoCAD are you using? E-Drawings (and the new drawing
    do NOT open the latest/newest versions of DWG files.

    You may have to switch the default application back to Acad, if
    running a newer version ...
    rocheey, Aug 13, 2004
  2. rocheey

    mik Guest

    I'm using AutoCad Release 14 (ancient i know)
    PDMworks 2004,
    edrawings 2003 (must have forgotten to install 2004),
    xchange works is not installed,
    no changes to OS

    I believe that SW2005 has acad built into it, so hopefully, when it is
    released i shan't need to worry about acad anymore.

    Our VAR is working on the problem, if they find a solution i'll post
    it just in case somebody else has the same or similar problem (as long
    as the user agreement allows me to). They did ask me to check the
    "acad.rx2 file for any lines with "EDW" in them, only got one with
    "PDM" in tho.

    thanks for your replies so far
    mik, Aug 16, 2004
  3. rocheey

    rocheey Guest

    I'm using AutoCad Release 14 (ancient i know)
    While I am not personally running that combo now, a designer 2
    cubicles down from me ran that very configuration for a year, without
    AutoCAD problems. He wasnt big on e-drawings, tho.
    rocheey, Aug 16, 2004
  4. E-drawings and the new DWG Editor will open AutoCAD files up to and
    including AutoCAD 2004
    Rob Rodriguez, Aug 16, 2004
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