RCX probing issue

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Sylvio Triebel, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. Hello,
    maybe my problem is too specific to be solved here...

    I want to get the corresponding nodes (in av_extracted) from the schematic instance-terminals.
    I need this for resistance probing between (multiple) schematic device terminals.

    My naive aproach was:
    1) to calculate the hierarchical instance name (from the actual
    path in the schematic + hierarchy separator + instance name)

    2) search in av extracted all instances with this name (with regular expr. to find also parallel fingers)

    3) get the nets of the specified terminal (which I previously selected in the schematic)

    Unfortunately, the pins can be permuted!!

    The devices in the extracted view have sometimes exchanged pins compared with the schematic.
    (e. g. drain and source are exchanged)

    In the Assura docu I could not find a solution.
    Neither I could find a file which contains the actual pin permutation info...

    A different aproach using net-names seems too difficult to me, especially, since the frequently usage of
    net separators maks it hard to anticipate the netnames in av_extracted from schematic net names...

    If somebody has experiences with similar topics I would be grateful.

    Best regards,
    Sylvio Triebel, Mar 16, 2007
  2. Wouldn't launching VXL (VLS-XL in 6.1.x) with av_extracted as the layout
    and your schematic as connectivity reference provides what you want?
    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Mar 16, 2007
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