Raster Manager

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Tom Orner, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Tom Orner

    Tom Orner Guest

    I have a workstation that suddenly won't bring up the raster manager
    dialog box. It brings up a message "Unable to load Dynamic Link Module
    RasterLib". This is only on one workstation and was working fine
    before. Does anyone know how to clear this up? I may just try to
    reload. I am working with version J.


    Tom Orner, Jan 9, 2004
  2. It brings up a message "Unable to load Dynamic Link Module RasterLib".

    It means one of two things: either RasterLib.dll can not be found within the
    path which uStn uses or it has a wrong version and something could not be
    resolved from it. In the latter case the text window may show more information.

    Chris Zakrewsky, Jan 9, 2004
  3. This may also be a user permission issue and the following workflow may
    resolve this.

    Log in as an Administrator on the network domain, not just as an
    administrator on the local machine.

    Search the machine in question for copies of mvcrt60.dll, if found change
    permissions to 'Full Control' for EVERY group the user is a member of.

    Log back in as the user and restart MicroStation. If this does not resolve
    the problem, then move on to the next step.

    Change the permissions of the following dll files, located in the system32
    msvcp50, msvcp60, msvcrt, msvcrt20, msvcrt40.

    Make sure everyone has the following permissions:
    full control, modify, read&execute, read, and write.

    If none of the above resolved the issue, make absolutely sure that the user
    is not part of any other group that does NOT have Full Control to these
    dlls. The group with the least permissions will always override any other
    group with less restrictive permissions.
    Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Jan 9, 2004
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